ACE Weekly 07/09/04 - 07/15/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 07/09/04.  The next attitude maneuver 
is scheduled for 07/22/04.

Orbit Events:

The next ACE SEV transit will occur in the mid-Aug to early Sep '04 

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- Installation of TAPS release 4.3 is tentatively scheduled for 
07/20/04.  All open DRs will be fixed in this release.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- Release 0.7 string 2 installation delayed due to additional fixes and 
testing.  It has been re-scheduled for 07/19/04.
   -- Three week estimate for completion of string 2 testing.
   -- Installation on String 1 tentatively scheduled for 08/09/04.
- Additional FOT training sessions on ROBOTT are under development.

Extra Spacecraft Activities:



DOY 04196 (07/14/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0064 - GDS 34m (DSS-27) DSN - RCVR B 
out of lock
DSS-27's antenna went off-point which resulted in loss of lock on the 
spacecraft receiver B.  A resweep was requested by the FOT and lock was 
reacquired on both receivers.  IMPACT:  Command capability delayed for ~2 
minutes.  DR# G104613

DOY 04197 (07/15/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0065 - GDS 34m (DSS-27) DSN - CRG 
power supply problems
At 12:28:00  D27 informed the FOT that telemetry would be delayed 
indefinitely due to problems with their +15 Coherent Reference Generator 
power supply having a 2 volt ripple.  At 13:25:00  D27 put telemetry 
online, informed FOT they were In-lock and had go for command.  The support 
was extended 1/2 hour in order to complete pass 
activities.  IMPACT:  None.  All SSR data recovered.  DR#  G104623

DOY 04197 (07/15/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0066 - GDS 34m (DSS-27) JPL - CTX 
problems/Degraded Data
At 15:08:23  FOT noticed degraded telemetry being received.  DSS-27 
reported not seeing any problems on their end.  FOT then contacted JPL, who 
informed the FOT they were experiencing problems with their secondary T1 
line and were currently investigating the issue.  IMPACT:  Degraded 
data.  SSR redumps performed to recover missing data.  DR# N102228