ACE Weekly 07/30/04 - 08/05/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 08/02/04.  The next attitude maneuver 
scheduled for 08/12/04.

Orbit Events:

 From Craig Roberts (FDF):
The next ACE stationkeeping maneuver (SK-33) is tentatively scheduled for 
08/20/04, to coincide with a (to be) scheduled attitude reorientation 
maneuver.  Thus SK-33 will be out of the way just as the next SEZ 
transit--which will have its closest approach to the Sun on 08/30/04 --is 
beginning.  The delta-V for 08/20/04 is currently projected to be about 
0.37 m/sec in the anti-Sunward direction.  So the burn will be using the 
top-deck axials 1A and 2A.  The burn duration is estimated at 64 seconds.

ACE's Lissajous orbit has now transitioned to an opening pattern, so the 
ACE motion will now be counterclockwise about L1 (and for that matter, the 
Sun) for quite a long time to come.

OCRs Executed:

08/03/04 - CRIS-011: Due to increased solar activity, the image intensifier 
went into the OFF position (designed safeguard) at the onset of the solar 
event.  At the direction of Branislav Kecman the image intensifier was 
commanded back ON.

Ongoing Activities:

- Installation of TAPS release 4.3 is occurred on 07/20/04.  FOT testing of 
this release is ongoing.
   -- Of the 6 DRs fixed in release 4.3, 4 have been verified, 2 have failed.

- Additional DRs will be submitted for newly found problems.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- On 07/26/2004, ROBOTT v0.7 was installed on String 1 and reinstalled
on Strings 2 and 3 (OCR GND-139).

- ROBOTT v0.7 has been used for daily operations since Tuesday 07/27/2004 
(OCR GND-140) with ROBOTT in Advisory and Auto modes.  No data loss or 
command problems due to ROBOTT have occurred this week.

- Work continues on developing ROBOTT v0.8 and testing v0.7.
   -- Of the 27 DRs fixed in ROBOTT v0.7, 18 have been verified, 2 have 
been canceled, 2 have failed and 5 still need to be tested.
   -- 25 new DRs have been written against ROBOTT v0.7.

Extra Spacecraft Activities:



DOY 04212 (07/30/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0079 - Unable to Unlock AC1FE1A Display
While attempting to configure workstations for support FOT found they 
couldn't unlock displays on String 1. TSMs notified and "dtlogin" process 
killed and restarted.  IMPACT:  None.

DOY 04212 (07/30/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0080 - ROBOTT - Paging Not Running on 
TSMs had been working on ACEDDS and had terminated the cron process that 
makes sure the paging process is active.  ROBOTT developer restarted the 
paging process.  IMPACT:  None.

DOY 04213 (07/31/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0081 - ROBOTT - C&C Incorrectly 
Flagging Bad TLM/FWD Link
C&C detected problems with the fwd link 7 times throughout the pass.  There 
were no event messages that came up in TPOCC indicating any problems. 
IMPACT:  None.  C&C did pause itself during these periods, but there was no 
commanding when these pauses occurred.

DOY 04214 (08/01/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0082 - ROBOTT - C&C Failure During 
Procedure G_ACEUP
C&C results checking for g_aceup is set to 100 seconds.  If the results 
checking rules are not satisfied, then C&C kills all procedures (if 
necessary) and re-executes g_aceup.  C&C will attempt to run g_aceup 3 
times.  IMPACT:  G_ACEUP restart unnecessary.  Restart caused TPOCC failure 
which resulted in a reboot of the system.  C&C did not send out any 
notification after it determined g_aceup did not successfully complete 
(even after the 3rd attempt.)  DR CDSID 00021015

DOY 04214 (08/01/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0083 - ROBOTT - C&C Frozen
TPOCC occasionally sets MF_QUALITY to BAD.  For the first 2 instances C&C 
paused and resumed within 30 seconds.  After the third instance, however, 
C&C did not resume.  IMPACT:  10 minute telemetry gap in history files 
(TAPS captured data however).  EVTRPT and CFGMON errors because 
S_PLBK  &  S_PLBK_COMPLETE run on different strings.  GRI on string 2 did 
not reflect loads done on string 1.  If the C&C had halted from a 2nd 
execution of g_aceup (prevented due to FOT intervention) then 
s_ops_plbk_complete would not have been executed.  SSR failover would not 
have been enabled and g_end_day would not have been run (AOS time tag bins 
for the next day's pass would not have been loaded).  DR CDSID 00021014

DOY 04213 (07/31/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0084 - Data Gaps Not Seen by TPOCC
TPOCC did not generate any VC2 Sequence Error messages for DOY 213 and DOY 
214 even though data was missing.  The SSR Statistics showed that all data 
was captured.  TPOCC still generated a frame with VC4 data. Investigation 
continues.  IMPACT:  Unknown.

DOY 04216 (08/03/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0085 - ROBOTT Incorrectly Flagged 
Clock Calibration
The tool "" incorrectly flags clock calibration as bad if the 
same digits in the DOY are found elsewhere in the 
"./log_dir/prepass.gen.log" file.  For example, on DOY 215, one of the 
previous lines contained the number 218708215 (note the last 3 digits) 
which caused the error.  Fixed for v0.8.  IMPACT:  None.  DR CDSID 00021018

DOY 04216 (08/03/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0086 - ROBOTT - C&C Failure During 
Procedure G_ACEUP
(Wee AR G04-0082) C&C results checking for g_aceup is set to 100 
seconds.  If the results checking is not satisfied then C&C kills all 
procedures (if necessary) and re-executes g_aceup.  C&C will attempt to run 
g_aceup 3 times.  IMPACT:  Unnecessary reboot.

DOY 04216 (08/03/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0087 - ROBOTT - C&C Repeated Preconditions
At 13:59:02, the FOT started ULEIS_MOTOR_ERROR.  Just before starting the 
procedure,  C&C performed a /resync directive (which is 
expected).  However, while at the 240 minute wait in ULEIS_MOTOR_ERROR 
another /resync directive was sent by C&C.  IMPACT:  None.

DOY 04217 (08/04/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0088 - ADS Failure
Received error when attempting to start ADS.  Killed processes on 
workstation and rebooted the software.  IMPACT:  Delayed pass activities.

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729