ACE Weekly 09/24/04 - 09/30/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  A "Dog-Leg" 
attitude maneuver was successfully executed on 09/27/04.  The next attitude 
maneuver is scheduled for 10/08/04.

Orbit Events:

The next SEZ crossing will occur in the Nov-Dec time frame.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- Installation of TAPS release 4.3 on the Backup System occurred on 07/20/04.
   -- FOT testing of this release has completed.
- Installation of TAPS Release 4.3 on the Prime System is TBD.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- ROBOTTv0.9 delivered to String 1 on 09/27/03 (OCR GND_145).
   --  Performing operations in "Auto" mode on String 1.
   -- 13 DR fixes in this release.
         --- 12 DRs have been verified by the FOT to date.
   --  5 DRs have been written against this release, however none are 
mission critical.

Extra Spacecraft Activities:

SWEPAM Calibration was not attempted on Monday (09/27/04) due to the length 
of the attitude maneuver activities.  After consulting with Jim Griffee the 
calibration activity was completed successfully on Tuesday (09/28/04).


DOY 04271 (09/27/2004) ACE Anomaly G04-0112 - MAD 26m (DSS-66) RNS Overflow
At 13:30:02, the FOT started to receive VC2 sequence errors (BOT 
13:10).  At 13:33, the FOT reported the degraded data to DSS-66 and JPL 
Comm.  At 13:38, JPL Comm reported seeing UDP dropouts.  At 13:41, JPL Comm 
informed the FOT that the problem was at the station (Madrid).  At 13:44, 
DSS-66 confirmed the problem was at the station (RNS overflow).  At 
13:45:06, the VC2 sequence errors stopped.  However, there were brief 
instances of VC2 sequence errors later in the pass.    IMPACT:  None.  All 
data subsequently retrieved via playback.   DR# M102757.

DOY 04273 (09/29/2004) ACE Anomaly G04-0113 - GDS 26m (DSS-16)  Antenna Stopped
At 17:53:10 FOT noticed a TLM dropout.  Queried DSS-16, and station 
reported that the antenna had stopped, carrier was down and  they were 
attempting to bring the antenna back on point.
At 18:07:00 DSS-16 notified FOT they were unable to support and that DSS-27 
was currently configuring for support.  IMPACT:  Minimal.  SSR playback had 
completed so loss of realtime data was the only impact.  All telemetry 
subsequently retrieved via next day's playback.  DR# G104848

DOY 04274 (09/30/2004) ACE Anomaly G04-0114 - GDS 26m (DSS-16) Commanding 
Not Enabled
At 15:05 FOT noted that the /no_op command did not reach the spacecraft 
during g_precal.
At 15:15 BOT occurred w/DSS-16.  During the execution of g_initial_contact 
the first command "BIN_CLEAR" did not reach the spacecraft.  As a result 
the command was retransmitted multiple times(15).  FOT notified DSS-16 and 
they "enabled" commanding.  IMPACT:  Delayed pass activities.  Without FOT 
intervention, no commands would have reached the spacecraft.
Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729