ACE Weekly 10/22/04 - 10/28/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  No maneuvers 
executed this reporting period.  The next attitude maneuver is scheduled 
for 11/05/04.

Orbit Events:

Next SEZ transit will run from 11/14/04 to 12/09/04.
   - Minimum SEV angle of approximately 0.83 deg.

Minimum SEV angles of 2005 transits will be greater with each event.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- TAPS Release 4.3 was installed on the Prime System on 10/13/04.
   -- FOT regression testing is in progress.
           --- No problems to report.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- ROBOTTv0.9 delivered to String 1 on 09/27/03 (OCR GND_145).
   --  Performing operations in "Auto" mode on String 1.
   -- 13 DR fixes in this release.
         --- 12 DRs have been verified by the FOT to date.
           ---  The last DR to be verified will require ROBOTT to be 
observed over a period
                 of time to ensure no reoccurrence of the problem.
   --  10 DRs have been written against this release.

- Lights-out testing of the ROBOTT system without immediate FOT 
intervention continues.

Extra Spacecraft Activities:



DOY 04295 (10/22/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0123 - GDS 34m (DSS-27) Telemetry Dropped
FOT initiated a schedule change during pass to change EOT time.  Email was 
sent to OPS Chief changing EOT time from 22:25Z to 23:00Z.  DSS-27 operator 
was unaware of change and dropped telemetry at original EOT time.  Upon 
being advised of change DSS-27 operator put telemetry back 
on-line.  IMPACT:  None.  All telemetry subsequently retrieved via SSR.

DOY 04302 (10/28/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0124 - ADS Display Froze
FDF personnel attempted to run ADS software and display froze.  The process 
was killed and software was rebooted.  IMPACT:  None.  FDF obtained 
attitude solution at end of pass.

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729