ACE Weekly 11/05/04 - 11/11/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude 
maneuver was successfully executed on 11/05/04.   The next attitude 
maneuver is scheduled for 11/22/04.

Orbit Events:

Next SEZ transit will run from 11/14/04 to 12/09/04.
   - Minimum SEV angle of approximately 0.83 deg.

Minimum SEV angles of 2005 transits will be greater with each event.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- TAPS Release 4.3 was installed on the Prime System on 10/13/04.
   -- FOT regression testing is in progress.
           --- No problems to report.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- ROBOTTv0.9 delivered to String 1 on 09/27/03 (OCR GND_145).
   --  Performing operations in "Auto" mode on String 1.
   -- 13 DR fixes in this release.
         --- 12 DRs have been verified by the FOT to date.
           ---  The last DR to be verified will require ROBOTT to be 
observed over a period
                 of time to ensure no reoccurrence of the problem.
   --  13 DRs have been written against this release.

- Lights-out testing of the ROBOTT system without immediate FOT 
intervention continues.

- Lights-out weekend operations start 11/13/04.

Extra Spacecraft Activities:

DOY 04312 (11/07/04) - S3DPU and SWICS limit violations occurred throughout 
the pass.   The FOT analyzed the data, ensuring the limit violations were 
brief spikes due to increased instrument processing of an ongoing solar 
event.  The appropriate instrument teams were notified.


DOY 04311 (11/06/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0131 - GDS 26m (DSS-16) Power Supply 
At 1530 Ops Chief called to inform FOT of problems with DSS-16 power 
amplifier.  DSS-16 unable to support.  The station was released to allow 
for troubleshooting.  Extra time was requested in the event the problem was 
corrected before the end of the scheduled pass.  Automation manually 
paused.  At 1700 DSS-16 declared green and getting ready to support 
ACE.  Automation pass times adjusted by FOT and all scheduled activities 
completed successfully.  IMPACT:  Delay of pass activities (2hr 
38min).  All pass objectives met because FOT intervened.  Lights-out 
operations would have resulted in 19.5 hours data loss.  DR# G104955

DOY 04312 (11/07/04) ACE Anomaly S04-0012 - SWICS Yellow Limit Violation 
SSCPAP5V violated the yellow low limit of 4.25 twice during the pass.   Jim 
Raines notified.  IMPACT:  Unknown.  Increased solar activity occurring at 
the time of violations.

DOY 04312 (11/07/04) ACE Anomaly S04-0013 - S3DPU Red Limit Violation 
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I violated the red high limit of 440 five times during the 
pass.  Mark Popecki notified.  IMPACT:  Unknown.  Increased solar activity 
occurring at the time of violations.

DOY 04314 (11/09/04) ACE Anomaly S04-0014 - SWICS Yellow Limit Violation 
SSCPAP5V violated the yellow low limit of 4.25 four times during the 
pass.   Jim Raines notified.  IMPACT:  Unknown.  Increased solar activity 
occurring at the time of violations.

DOY 04315 (11/10/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0132 - ROBOTT -  Incorrect Flagging of 
Telemetry Outage
At 18:57:07, telemetry dropped out from DSS-27 (8 minutes before 
EOT).  Telemetry resumed at 18:58:38.  However, ROBOTT sent out a page 
stating the telemetry outage was only 46 seconds.  The brief telemetry 
outage occurred when a technician at the site disconnected the wrong cable 
while repairing a damaged fiber cable (Ref. DR#G104959).   CDSID#21073 was 
previously submitted and should solve the time discrepancy problem.  C&C 
will start using the telemetry data mark static messages when flagging the 
outages.  IMPACT:  Loss of data from 18:57:07 - 18:58:38 (1 min. 31 
secs.)  Real-time data recovered from SSR playback.  CDSID21073, DR# G104961

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729