ACE Weekly 11/19/04 - 11/25/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.  An attitude=20
maneuver was successfully executed on 11/22/04   The next attitude maneuver=
is scheduled for 12/06/04.

Orbit Events:

 From Craig Roberts (FDF):
The next ACE Solar Exclusion Zone transit has begun.  ACE crossed the 4.75=
deg mark inbound on 11/15/04, and will exit outbound by 12/09/04.  As the=20
ACE Lissajous orbit transitioned to an opening pattern mid-summer, we are=20
now in an era where the Sun-ACE separation angle at closest approach will=20
be greater with each successive crossing (for the next couple of=20
years).  This time the angular radius of closest approach (RCA) will be=20
0.83 degrees.  More details below:

3.0 deg inbound:   11/20 02:17Z
2.0 deg inbound:   11/22 18:53Z
1.0 deg inbound    11/25 19:29Z
0.83 deg RCA        11/26  21:32Z
1.0 deg outbound  11/28  12:08Z
2.0 deg outbound  12/01  13:24Z
3.0 deg outbound  12/04  06:50Z

ACE will spend 2.7 days below 1.0 deg.

OCRs Executed:


Ongoing Activities:

- TAPS Release 4.3 was installed on the Prime System on 10/13/04.
   -- FOT regression testing is in progress.
           --- No problems to report.

Automation (ROBOTT):

- ROBOTTv0.9 delivered to String 1 on 09/27/03 (OCR GND_145).
   --  Performing operations in "Auto" mode on String 1.
   -- 13 DR fixes in this release.
         --- 12 DRs have been verified by the FOT to date.
           ---  The last DR to be verified will require ROBOTT to be=20
observed over a period
                 of time to ensure no reoccurrence of the problem.
   --  13 DRs have been written against this release.

- ACE transitioned to Lights Out Operations on 11/13/04. All nominal=20
realtime operations are now being performed using ROBOTT, with the=20
exceptions of maneuvers and special commanding.

Extra Spacecraft Activities:



DOY 04324 (11/19/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0136 =96 MAD 26m (DSS-66) XMTR RED
Station unavailable due to transmitter problems.  FOT requested time with=20
DSS-27 (occupied by Maintenance) and updated pass times in ROBOTT.  If FOT=
was not available, the pass would have been lost.  IMPACT:  Minimal.=20
Delayed pass activities.  All data recovered.  DR# M102897

DOY 04324 (11/19/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0137 =96 File Not Available
A new configuration monitor was not copied to the operational string during=
the configuration management process.  IMPACT:  This generated an error=20
during the execution of a TSTOL procedure.  All pass activities completed.

DOY 04327 (11/22/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0138 =96 GDS (DSS-27) Poor RF Link=
Snow and wind at Goldstone reduced SNR to 3dB at BOT.  Other projects were=
unable to complete supports.  ACE, however, was able to successfully=20
retrieve all data.  IMPACT: None

DOY 04328 (11/23/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0139 =96 JPL Router Problems
Router problems significantly reduced data flow to the MOC.  Consistent=20
telemetry was available for 55 minutes allowing the spacecraft to be=20
commanded and the playback to start.  IMPACT:  Minimal.  All data was=20
available on CDR and subsequently retrieved by the FOT.

DOY 04328 (11/23/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0140 =96 ROBOTT - No Notification of=20
Only 1 frame was received at AOS.  No further data was received until=20
BOT+22min.  C&C did not identify the loss of telemetry or the delay in=20
uplink.  C&C did correctly diagnose subsequent problems.  IMPACT: If FOT=20
had not been in on this day there would have been no indication to an=20
on-call FOT engineer that a problem had occurred.   DR CDSID# 21110

DOY 04328 (11/23/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0141 =96 ROBOTT - Tasks Started at Same=
Telemetry was offline when the SSR transitioned to idle.  Telemetry was=20
back online in time to start the procedure g_end_day.  C&C started two=20
procs at the same time (s_ops_plbk_complete and then g_end_day 1.5 seconds=
later).  IMPACT:  None.  TPOCC held s_ops_plbk_complete at line 76 as=20
g_end_day was executing.  DR CDSID# 21085

DOY 04328 (11/23/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0142 =96 ROBOTT - C&C Did Not Resume
While the spacecraft was in BinDump format, C&C incorrectly stated that the=
spacecraft was in medium rate after telemetry outages.  C&C did not=20
successfully resume activities after this occurred.  IMPACT:  Not all pass=
activities completed as scheduled.  DR CDSID# 21111

DOY 04328 (11/23/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0143 =96 ROBOTT - Notification Not=
The sporadic telemetry due to JPL router problems resulted in 132=20
notifications (mostly TLM offline/online).  All were received via email but=
only 48 were received via pagers.

DOY 04329 (11/24/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0144 =96 GDS 34m (DSS-27) Incorrect=20
Uplink Time
A schedule change was submitted on 11/23.  DSS-27 enabled the uplink at the=
previously scheduled BOT time.  Fortunately, there was an 11 second gap=20
between DSS-66 carrier down and DSS-27 carrier up=20
times.   IMPACT:  None.  DR# G105008

DOY 04329 (11/24/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0145 =96 ROBOTT - Failure to Clear=
C&C detected a 'Command Failed' problem and did not clear the problem after=
it was resolved.
IMPACT:  Erroneous message for rest of pass.   DR CDSID#  21074

Glen A. Miller
ACE Flight Operations Observatory Engineer
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.
Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 14, Room W10A
Mail Stop 428.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: 301-286-7071
Pager: 800-425-3174
Fax:    301-286-1729