ACE Weekly 12/17/04 - 12/23/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


Maneuvers completed
	Type          Attitude
	Date          12/20/04
	DOY           355 2004
	Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      11:15 minutes
	Start Time    16:52:26z
	Stop Time     17:03:41z
	Firing        57 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for 01/04/05.

SWPX 037 Planned - Will coordinate with instrument team after the holidays.
The SWEPAM Ion gain is starting to �slip� due to instrument aging.
Provisions are made in the instrument to adjust for this loss by increasing
the CEM voltage level but the gain is not linear across the entire spectrum.
These sensitivity measurements are intended to characterize this non-linear
behavior to let the SWEPAM science team determine the optimal CEM voltage to
continue operations with and to define compensation parameters for data

Ongoing Activities:

ACE transitioned to Lights Out Operations on 11/13/04. All nominal realtime
operations are now being performed using ROBOTT, with the exceptions of
maneuvers and special commanding.  20 DRs have been written for ROBOTT v0.9.

The patch to resolve the premature schedule deletion was installed on
12/21/04.  Further testing will be completed when DSN's week 01 schedule
is renamed from forecast.w01 to 7dayss.w01 which should occur on 12/30/04.

Extra Activities:



DOY 352 (12/17/04) ACE Anomaly S04-0021  SIS Temperature Violations
SIS_M2BMATRIXBRD	and SIS_M1AMATRIXBRD temperatures violated their yellow
high limits (YH=39C) due to the spacecraft approaching perihelion,
the sun angle increasing to above 10� (spacecraft temperatures generally
increase with larger sun angles) and the slow degradation of insulation.
The times below give the first violation and also when the values were
continuously out of limit.
	Mnemonic           First violation  Start Continuous   End Continuous
	SIS_M2BMATRIXBRD   351-22:49:47     352-01:36:11       355-19:03:38
	SIS_M1AMATRIXBRD   352-23:55:55     353-02:42:19       355-18:12:26

The attitude maneuver on DOY 355 2004 (12/20/04) reduced the sun angle to
4.8� and the temperatures were no longer in violation.  Further violations,
however, were expected as the sun angle increased before the next maneuver
on DOY 004 2005 (1/4/04).  The SIS instrumenters requested the yellow high
and red high limits to be increased by 2C.
IMPACT:  Limits have been increased after instrumenter review.

DOY 355 (12/20/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0156  TPOCC State Manager Not Connected
While initializing TPOCC manually, TPOCC displays were prematurely started
and were unable to contact the ace_stmgr_parser server.  TPOCC was
terminated and restarted successfully with enough time allowed for
IMPACT:  None.  ROBOTT is programmed to wait long enough to allow for TPOCC
initialization to complete.

DOY 356 (12/21/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0157  TPOCC Data Server Not Updated.
While running g_end_day.prc, the data server had not updated the telemetry
parameters before the procedure reached the telemetry checks.  The procedure
will be updated to ensure that that TPOCC is given sufficient time to
process telemetry before checks are made.
IMPACT:  None.  ROBOTT entered the GO directive and the procedure completed.