ACE Weekly 12/24/04 - 12/30/04

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were executed this reporting period.  The next attitude
maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 01/04/05.


SWPX 037 Planned - Will coordinate with instrument team after the holidays.

Ongoing Activities:

The patch to resolve the premature schedule deletion was installed on
12/21/04.  Testing indicates that the patch will successfully retain the
schedule in the first week of 2005.

Extra Activities:



DOY 359 (12/24/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0158  Attitude Determination Not Executed
The appropriate configuration files were not updated for the holidays
causing the ground software to not run the Attitude Determination Software
IMPACT:  None.  FDF generated the necessary Attitude/Orbit Report from a
block replay on Tuesday (12/28/04).

DOY 359 (12/24/04) ACE Anomaly G04-0159  No Notice for Incomplete Bin Dump
No notification was received for data gaps during the daily verification of
the spacecraft bins.  No notification was received for the differences found
when the dump image was compared with the ground image.
IMPACT:  None.  Spacecraft bins are still correct.  TSTOL procedures and
ROBOTT configuration will be updated to ensure the correct reporting of data
gaps and miscompares.

DOY 364 (12/29/04) ACE Anomaly S04-0022 SEPICA 30kV Discharge Flag
The SEPICA 30kV Discharge (SSS30KSTATH) and SSSALARMS flagged on DOY 364
2004 at 06:08:32z.  SSS30KV and SSS30KI remain nominal at values of 4.0392kV
and 36.28mA, respectively.  These 30kV Discharge last flagged on DOY 165
2001 at 16:03:04z.  Mark Popecki has been notified and OCR SEP-071 is
available if the only action needed is to clear the flag (i.e. transient
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Mark Popecki.