ACE Weekly 01/07/05 - 01/13/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were executed this reporting period.  The next attitude
maneuver is scheduled for Friday 01/14/05.


DOY 007 (01/07/05) SWPX-037   SWEPAM-I Gain and CEM Voltage Level
The CEM voltage level was toggled between Level 0 (current configuration)
and Level 2.  The measurements will characterize the non-linear Gain for
determining the optimal CEM voltage and to define compensation parameters
for data processing.  The pending CEM Level takes affect at the start of the
Normal Cycle as opposed to the start of each MODE.  Instrument team is
evaluating the data and further measurement options.

Ongoing Activities:


Extra Activities:



DOY 008 (01/08/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0002  MAD 26m D66  CMD Mod Index
Incorrect CMD MOD Index delayed beginning of activities by 40 minutes.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  All playback data captured.  DR M102970

DOY 009 (01/09/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0003  ROBOTT - No Cron Schedule
An intermittent timing issue prevents ROBOTT from updating the appropriate
schedule files.  ROBOTT provides the error message:
	The pass file (pparm) had old pass schedule (006)(007). Please check.
IMPACT:  FOT arrived on Sunday to complete activities and update the CRON

DOY 009 (01/09/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0004  GDS 34m D24  Antenna Stopped
Antenna stop resulted in 15 minute telemetry outage.  Uplink not restored.
IMPACT: See AR 0005 and 0006 below.  DR G105166

DOY 009 (01/09/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0005  Pages Not Delivered
At the beginning of the 15 minute telemetry outage, the paging service
stopped delivering messages after 10 messages were sent within 1 minute.
Five pages were lost.  Pages were again being received 10 minutes later.
All notifications were later found to have been successfully received via
IMPACT:  FOT was able to piece together information on the TLM outage from
pages that were received.

DOY 009 (01/09/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0006  SSR Redumps not completed
Since uplink was not restored after the 15 minute telemetry outage, SSR
redumps were not performed.  ROBOTT did not provide notification (neither
pager nor email) that the procedure was not started.
IMPACT:  Redumps completed manually on Monday.

DOY 010 (01/10/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0007  ROBOTT not resumed
After manually completing redumps, ROBOTT was not correctly resumed by OE.
IMPACT:  SSR redumps and final state-of-health checks were not completed.
Fortunately, no redumps were needed.

DOY 011 (01/11/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0008 GDS 34m D24 Antenna Stow/High Winds
Sustained winds at 50 MPH required the station to stow the antenna resulting
in a 1hour 10min TLM outage.
IMPACT:  Remaining SSR Playback was completed on next day.  DR G105177

DOY 012 (01/12/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0009  Incorrect DSN Schedule
DSN 7-day schedule incorrectly had the Change Log instead of the Activities
Listing.  ROBOTT correctly flagged the incorrect schedule and continued to
use the old schedule.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Fortunately, schedule changes had been implemented and
downloaded before the schedule was replaced with the Change Log.  DR N102601

DOY 012 (01/12/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0010  TAPS Data Capture Failed
From Friday (01/07/05) to Sunday (01/08/05) TAPS Data Capture Daemon failed.
Reboot of both workstations on Monday reinstated the Daemon.
IMPACT:  Three days of data will be manually ingested.

DOY 012 (01/12/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0011  GDS 34m D24 Transmitter Failure
Activities delayed 34 minutes due to Transmitter Power Supply problems.
IMPACT:  SSR Playback from yesterday was successfully completed manually,
but the remaining SSR playback for today was completed on Thursday.
DR G105185

DOY 012 (01/12/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0001  SSCPAP5V
SSCPAP5V briefly violated the Yellow Low limit of 4.25V (2 seconds).  Jim
Raines notified.
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines if necessary.

DOY 012 (01/12/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0002 SSR Plbk During Switch to Low Rate
SSR B was in playback mode when the C&DH switched from ADC to RTSW at EOT.
The SSR did not transition to Idle and SSR read pointer stopped
incrementing.  The SSR was manually commanded to idle at the beginning of
the next pass on DOY 013.
IMPACT:  No data affected.  Procedures will be rewritten to handle this