ACE Weekly 01/07/05 - 01/13/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


Maneuvers completed
	Type          Attitude
	Date          01/14/05
	DOY           014 2005
	Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      9:53 minutes
	Start Time    16:08:02z
	Stop Time     16:17:55z
	Firing        50 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Monday 01/24/05.



Ongoing Activities:


Extra Activities:

DOY 020 (01/20/05 SSR B Telemetry Sections downlinked.  No new Single Bit
Errors (correctable) found.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.  SSR A
will be checked on 01/21/05.


DOY 014 (01/14/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0012  TSTOL Syntax Error
TPOCC generated a syntax error due to a variable that was not defined within
an IF block that was not executed.  TSTOL procedure will be rewritten to
define the variable even if the IF block is not executed.
IMPACT:  None.

DOY 015 (01/15/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0013  MAD 26m D66  Transmitter Problems
Activities delayed 15 minutes due to problems with SBE1.  Station switched
to SBE2.  DR M102980
IMPACT:  None.  All data captured since the early support resulted in a
smaller amount of recorded data to be played back.

DOY 016 (01/16/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0014  GDS 26m D16  Transmitter Problems
Activities delayed 30 minutes due to problems with PA#2.  Station switched
to PA#1.  DR G105203
IMPACT:  SSR playback not completed.  79 minutes of recorded data lost.  The
previous support was early which resulted in a larger amount of recorded
data to be played back.

DOY 017 (01/17/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0015  Pages Not Delivered
51 out of 71 pages were not received from paging service.  Only 20 Pages
were received between 15:11:10 - 15:42:41.  No more pages were received
throughout the support.  Pages were again received on the following day (but
never the 51 pages).
IMPACT:  Instrument limit violations and other messages were not discovered
until the FOT checked email.

DOY 017 (01/17/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0003  S3DPU Converter Secondary Current
During the solar storm (DOY 017 15:18:09-18:07:58 and DOY 018 15:55:04)
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I violated the Red High limit (2 consecutive values above
440mA).  No violations were longer than 2 consecutive values.  Average value
above 440mA was 455mA with 76 occurrences.  Mark Popecki notified.
IMPACT:  Violations are OK given the substantial solar activity. The high
current results from an unusually high data processing load (SSDIDLECTR<42).

DOY 017 (01/17/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0003  SWICS Voltages Limit Violations
During the solar storm (DOY 017 13:05:29-23:08:17 and DOY 018 19:42:21) The
following SWICS voltages violated their limits (2 consecutive values).
	SSCPAP5V	29x	Yellow Lo   4.00V < x < 4.25V        4.064V (extreme value)
	SSCPAM5V	18x	Red Hi      -4.5V < x               -3.827V
	SSCGR20V	31x	Red Lo              x < 16V         15.600V
	        	22x	Yellow Lo     16V < x < 17V
	SSCGRP28V	29x	Yellow Lo	  23V < x < 24V         23.520V
No violations were longer than 7 consecutive values.  Jim Raines notified.
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines if necessary.