ACE Weekly 01/21/05 - 01/27/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


Maneuvers completed
	Type          Attitude
	Date          01/24/05
	DOY           024 2005
	Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      10:51 minutes
	Start Time    13:59:05z
	Stop Time     14:09:56z
	Firing        55 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 02/03/05.


DOY 025 (01/25/05) 16:01:17 - 16:02:09   CRIS-011
The Image Intensifier was powered on after being automatically safeguarded
at the beginning of last week's solar activity (at approximately

DOY 027 (01/27/05) 15:32:38 - 18:06:32   SWPX-037
The CEM voltage level was toggled between Level 0 (current configuration)
and Level 2 every 192 seconds for 24 cycles.  The measurements will
characterize the non-linear Gain for determining the optimal CEM voltage and
to define compensation parameters for data processing.

Ongoing Activities:


Extra Activities:

DOY 021 (01/21/05 SSR A Telemetry Sections downlinked.  No new Single Bit
Errors (correctable) found.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.


DOY 021 (01/21/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0005 SIS_T12ADETBRD Temperature Violation
SIS_T12ADETBRD temperature violated it's yellow high limit of 37C.  The
temperature had been between 35.7 and 36.3C but jumped an additional 1.5C as
a result of the recent solar activity.  The temperature was in violation
from 021-16:54:45 to 021-17:11:49.  Branislav Kecman notified.
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Branislav Kecman if necessary.

DOY 021 (01/21/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0006  SWICS Voltages Limit Violations
The following SWICS voltages had intermittent limit violations from
021-17:07:44 through 022-02:08:08.  Jim Raines notified.
	SSCGR20V	3x	Yellow Lo     16V < x < 17V
	SSCPAP5V	5x	Yellow Lo   4.00V < x < 4.25V
	SSCPAM5V	41x	Red Hi      -4.5V < x
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines if necessary.