ACE Weekly 01/28/05 - 02/03/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


Maneuvers completed
	Type          Attitude
	Date          02/03/05
	DOY           034 2005
	Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      12:24 minutes
	Start Time    16:11:50z
	Stop Time     16:24:14z
	Firing        63 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 02/11/05.



Ongoing Activities:

The Sun-Earth-Vehicle (SEV) angle will reach 1.435 deg on 02/21/05 (from
FDF).  DSN has had no problems acquiring the downlink for SEV angles greater
than 1 deg.  No problems are expected with the expanding Lissajous orbit.

Extra Activities:



DOY 028 (01/28/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0015  Precal NO_OP transmitted
The NO_OP command used during command validation was sent from MOC at
14:25:07z (BOT-20min).  The command was inadvertently transmitted to the
spacecraft at 14:50:40z.  DR# N102625
IMPACT:  None.  Precal NO_OP sent in bypass mode.

DOY 029 (01/29/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0016  CMDs did not reach station
Commands from 17:27:03 through 17:50:59z did not reach DSS-16.  No command
echoes were received.  Cause unknown.  Limited real-time trouble-shooting
since pass was unstaffed.  FOT contacted Ops Chief from home.  No problems
were found at the station.  DR requested from DSN to document that a problem
of unknown cause occurred.  DR# N102633
IMPACT:  SSR redump not completed (data on CDR).  Final state-of-health
checks not completed.

DOY 029 (01/29/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0017  ROBOTT did not resume at EOT
After pausing from an inability to command, ROBOTT did not resume at EOT.
CDSID# 21141
IMPACT:  No notification of activities not completed.  TPOCC not properly