ACE Weekly 03/18/05 - 03/24/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Monday 03/28/05.


SWPX-038 DOY 081 (03/22/05)  Adjust SWEPAM-I gain to compensate for sensor
gain losses due to aging affects.  Level 2 will probably be the preferred
level but this OCR is to collect data at level 1 to confirm this.

SWPX-039 To further adjust the CEM is scheduled for Friday 03/25/05.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE Requirements are being finalized and
the Test Plan is being generated.

Extra Activities:

DOY 077 (03/18/05)  ACE received and analyzed the new RevB 0158 Monitor Data
with DSS-16.  No major discrepancies were found.  Channel M-0314 (obsolete)
continues to be received.


DOY 077 (03/18/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0043  GDS 26m (DSS-16) Power Failure
Power failure at station caused an 8 minute loss of TLM and CMD.  DR#G105433
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Affected data was redumped.

DOY 079 (03/20/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0044  GDS 26m (DSS-16) MPA Reboot
Metric Pointing Assembly reboot at BOT delayed activities by 8 minutes.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  All playback data captured.

DOY 083 (03/24/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0045  GDS 26m (DSS-16) TCP Problems
Problems with the Telemetry Control Processor at BOT delayed activities by
25 minutes.  DR#G105478
IMPACT:  The pass was extended 1hr 25 minutes.

DOY 083 (03/24/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0046  GDS 26m (DSS-16) CMD Mod Index
Problems with the S-Band Exciter delayed activities by 35 minutes.
IMPACT:  The pass was extended 1hr 25 minutes.

DOY 083 (03/24/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0047  LOS TTBin prematurely executed
The LOS TTBin was not reloaded with the updated LOS time.  The spacecraft
switched to the RTSW downlink format at the originally scheduled LOS time.
IMPACT:  Spacecraft was commanded back to hi-rate and playback was