ACE Weekly 04/01/05 - 04/07/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday 04/08/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE Requirements are being finalized and
the Test Plan is being generated.

Extra Activities:

DOY 097 (04/07/05) No impact to ground system during installation of UPS
remote monitoring system.


DOY 091 (04/01/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0048  Erroneous Pass Change Message
ROBOTT populated the 'passparm' file with duplicate view information when
the next DOY or previous DOY corresponds to 092.  92 also happens to be the
spacecraft code.  CDSID 21179
IMPACT:  No impact to scheduled activities found.

DOY 094 (04/04/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0049  Mission Software Reboot
At 1755z ROBOTT detected a problem with C&C and attempted a C&C restart.
ROBOTT then rebooted all of the mission software.  Software returned to
operations at 1821z.  Reason for restart/reboot unknown.
IMPACT:  No data loss, playback had already completed.  Final state of
health checks not performed.

DOY 095 (04/05/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0050  Antenna Problems
Problems with the Monitor Control Processor (MCP1) and Exciter/CMD Mod Index
delayed activities 1hr 50min.  DRs G105519 & G105521
IMPACT:  Next day's support was extended and all playback data was captured.

DOY 095 (04/05/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0051  C&C Software Froze
C&C froze after the support and did not execute g_acedown.
IMPACT:  Procedure was executed manually.

DOY 095 (04/06/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0052  DSN Schedule Not Updated
The DSN schedule was not updated with the extended time.  C&C was manually
configured with new support times.  C&C however did not execute g_aceup at
the correct time.
IMPACT:  Procedures were executed manually.