ACE Weekly 04/29/05 - 05/05/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Monday 05/09/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The design review is scheduled for Tuesday

Extra Activities:

DOY 119 (04/29/05) - Active C&DH (C&DH A) Block Bins downlinked.
DOY 122 (05/02/05) - Inactive C&DH (C&DH B) Block Bins downlinked.
DOY 123 (05/03/05) - TLAN router upgrade was successful.  The upgrade may
have resulted in Anomaly G05-0071 - TAPS Data Capture Daemon needed to be
DOY 125 (05/05/05) - Inactive C&DH (C&DH B) Time Tag Bins downlinked.


DOY 120 (04/30/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0069  26m GDS DSS-66 CMD Mod Index
CMDs were not being received by the spacecraft.  Station re-entered CMD Mod
Index on multiple occasions before CMDs were finally accepted by the
spacecraft.  DR#M103183
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 80 minutes.  Playback was not completed.  6hr
12min and 40sec of recorded science data lost.

DOY 122 (05/02/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0070  AC1XT1 Monitor Failure
Workstation AC1XT1 Monitor failed.  Monitor was replaced by Hardware
Maintenance on same day.
IMPACT:  Minimal.

DOY 124 (05/04/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0071  TAPS Data Capture Daemon
TAPS Data Capture Daemon had stopped on both TAPS computers.  Daemon was
restarted by rebooting the computers.  Data was ingested from DSN CDR files.
This may be related to the TLAN router upgrade that occurred on 05/03/05.
IMPACT:  Data analysis delayed until data could be ingested.

DOY 125 (05/05/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0072  AC1XT2 Process Killed
While troubleshooting the ADS software, the dtwm process on ac1xt2 was
terminated.  TPOCC displays on ac1xt2 were terminated, HSM stopped and C&C
rebooted.  RTMON successfully restarted C&C and HSM.  TPOCC stayed active
and captured telemetry during these problems.
IMPACT:  HSM not active for 17 minutes.

DOY 125 (05/05/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0073  TAPS Data Capture
For unknown reasons, TAPS did not have data for 2005-124-19:55:36 to
2005-124-21:55:35.  The TAPS file had duplicate data from the previous 2
hour period.  Data ingested from CDR files.
IMPACT:  Data analysis delayed until data could be ingested.