ACE Weekly 05/13/05 - 05/19/05

A latchup of the S3DPU occurred on Day 137 (05/17/05) between 19:51:39z and
19:51:57z (Ref AR#S05-0015).  SWICS/SWIMS recovery procedures will be
executed with Instrumenters on Friday 05/20/05.  S3DPU patches will be
reloaded Monday 05/23/05.  All other ACE spacecraft subsystems are
performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
and station keeping #36 are scheduled for Wednesday 05/25/05.


DOY 139 (05/19/05) 17:16-17:20z   CRIS-011
The Image Intensifier was powered on after being automatically safeguarded
at the beginning of this week's solar activity (Sunday DOY 135 ~01:41z).
This OCR was last executed on 01/25/05.

OCR SWX/SWM-033 is scheduled for Friday (05/20/05) and Monday (05/23/05).

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The requirements document has been baselined.
The test plan is near completion.

Extra Activities:

DOY 134 (05/14/05) - Our scheduler was able to acquire sufficient time to
complete dumps during NOAA launch slips.
DOY 137 (05/17/05) - No impact to operations from the automatic switch gear
fuse replacements in Bldg 14.


DOY 135 (05/15/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0014  SWICS Limit Violations
SWICS had several limit violations during the increased solar activity on
DOY 135 02:14-21:41z for the following voltages:
	SSCGR20V	1x	YL (<17V)		16.0V (extreme value)
	SSCPAP5V	8x	YL (<4.25V)		4.1V
	SSCPAM5V	14x	RH (>-4.5V)		4.0V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines if necessary.

DOY 135 (05/15/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0076  34m GDS DSS-24 Transmitter Problems
A "State Change Unexpectedly" alarm occurred twice (17:20:33z and 18:02:09z)
at the station.  Uplink to the spacecraft was lost along with brief drops in
telemetry.  In both instances, station recalibrated transmitter and
established uplink within 6 minutes.  DR#G105651
IMPACT:  No commanding was scheduled during these periods.  Data loss was
recovered through redumps.

DOY 136 (05/16/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0077  26m MAD DSS-66 Transmitter Problems
Station transmitter power dropped unexpectedly at 16:42:54z.  Uplink to the
spacecraft was lost along with brief drops in telemetry.  Station swapped
transmitters and uplink was established within 15 minutes.  DR#M103199
IMPACT:  No commanding was scheduled during this period.  Data loss was
recovered through redumps.

DOY 137 (05/17/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0015  S3DPU Latchup
A latchup of the S3DPU occurred on Day 137 (05/17/05) between 19:51:39z and
19:51:57z.  This last occurred on 2002-137-11:20z.  FOT is coordinating with
Instrumenters to execute recovery procedures.
IMPACT:  Housekeeping and voltages are normal.  Patches and Rate tables will
need to be reloaded.