ACE Weekly 07/15/05 - 07/21/05  (OCR SC 05-001 execution date corrected)

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday 07/22/05.


DOY 202 (07/21/05) SC 05-001 - SSR Failover Block Bins have been reloaded.
If the recorder becomes full, the other recorder will start recording at
Segment 0 (previously set to Segment 1).  SSR Failover occurs when a DSN
support is lost and another support is not scheduled.  The Segment 0
benefits include the ability to automate data recovery and capture all data
without scheduling additional DSN time (additional time is still preferred
however).  Data loss can still occur under certain conditions including more
than 2 supports are lost or the SSR was not completely dumped before an SSR
Failover occurred.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - Development continues within the TDF
configuration.  The next ACE JPL telecon is scheduled for 07/21/05.  The
DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 is scheduled for 08/04/05.

ROBOTT - FOT testing of Version 1.0 is underway on String 3.

Extra Activities:



DOY 196 (07/15/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0097  GDS DSS-16  Transmitter Problems
Uplink to the spacecraft was lost from 14:35:13 to 14:39:24z and from
15:16:13z onward due to ground station problems with the Transmitter Heat
Exchanger.  Support was switched to DSS-27 at 15:44:27z.  DR# G105836
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Commanding was completed with DSS-27.

DOY 197 (07/16/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0025  S3DPU Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 2 brief red high limit violations (>440mA).  The
SSDIDLECTR was ~40 in both cases.  Mark Popecki notified.
	2005-197 19:41:25 - 19:42:27z		466.718 - 478.484mA
	2005-197 19:53:43 - 19:53:46z		447.108 - 458.874mA
IMPACT:  S3DPU is expected to use more current during increased activity.

DOY 198 (07/17/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0026  SWICS Limit Violation
SSCPAP5V had 1 brief yellow low limit violation (<4.25V).  Jim Raines
	2005-198 04:17:02 - 04:17:38z		4.112 - 4.208V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 198 (07/17/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0028  SWICS Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 1 brief red high limit violation (>-4.5V).  Jim Raines
	2005-198 22:06:58 - 22:07:22z		-4.412 - -4.451V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 199 (07/15/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0098  GDS DSS-24  Transmitter Problems
Uplink to the spacecraft was lost from 17:01:41 to 17:45:00z (EOT) due to
transmitter problems.  Station was unable to correct problem before EOT.
DR# G105850
IMPACT:  End Of Track spacecraft state-of-health checks not were not
completed.  SSR data redumps were completed on DOY 200.

DOY 199 (07/15/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0099  Workstation Desktop Frozen
Workstation ac1ws2 desktop frozen.  Processes were remotely terminated and
workstation logged back on successfully.  Rogue APU process had excessive
CPU usage.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  FORMATS software reinitialized.

DOY 199 (07/18/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0027  S3DPU Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violations (>440mA).  The
SSDIDLECTR was ~70 in both cases.  Mark Popecki notified.
	2005-199 14:31:45 - 14:31:47z		443.186 - 454.952mA
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Mark Popecki.

DOY 201 (07/17/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0100  GDS DSS-16  Spacecraft RCVR B
Receiver B was not in-lock at beginning of track.  FOT requested uplink
resweep and both receivers were successfully locked.  This occurs
occasionally (last occurrence 2/15/05) since Receiver B is not part of the
2-way loop and therefore the station is unable to determine Rcvr B lock
during uplink sweep.  DR#G105859
IMPACT:  C&DH B successfully commanded after uplink resweep.