ACE Weekly 07/29/05 - 08/04/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         08/01/05
	DOY          213 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     11:47 min
	Start Time   16:02:12z
	Stop Time    16:13:59z
	Firing       60 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday 08/10/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - Development continues within the TDF
configuration.  The DSN/Developer August 25 test has been postponed due to
scheduling and is tentatively set for September 1.

ROBOTT - The installation/configuration error on String 2 was resolved.
Testing of the String 2 continues.

Extra Activities:

We have started receiving the new DSN 0158 Monitor Data Rev B from DSS-66
(DOY 211) and DSS-16 (DOY 214).  The new Monitor Data provides additional
data useful for troubleshooting and corrects problems found in the original
0158 Monitor Data.


DOY 210 (07/29/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0029  S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 3 brief red high limit violations (RH > 440mA).  The
SSDIDLECTR was ~40 in all 3 cases.
	2005-210 10:04:53 - 10:05:25z		451.03  - 454.952 mA	45-32
	2005-210 10:28:53 - 10:29:25z		447.108 - 458.874 mA	51-35
	2005-210 10:41:41 - 10:42:13z		443.186 - 486.328 mA	25-28
IMPACT:  S3DPU is expected to use more current during increased activity.

DOY 210 (07/29/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0101  /trend Drive Inaccessible
Backup string was unable to access /trend drive.  Problem corrected by
IMPACT:  None, operations had not been using backup string.

DOY 210 (07/29/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0102  Display Replaced
AC2XT1 display had a poor image quality.  It was decided to have Hardware
Maintenance repair the monitor.
IMPACT:  None, the display was replaced before it had failed.

DOY 213 (08/01/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0103  Thruster_Setup Procedure
The Thruster_Setup procedure delivered by MOPSS was named version #02.
Reason unknown for why MOPSS used a different version number.  The contents
of the Thruster_Setup procedure was checked and found to be correct.
IMPACT:  None, the procedure was successfully used for the maneuver.

DOY 214 (08/02/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0030  S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violations (RH > 440mA).  The
	2005-214 14:46:33 - 14:46:35z		451.03  - 466.718 mA	65-69
IMPACT:  S3DPU is expected to use more current during increased activity.

DOY 216 (08/04/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0104  GDS DSS-16  Loss of Telemetry
Ground station receiver lost lock at 10 minutes before End Of Track.  NOAA
stations, RAL and WCDA, did not have problems acquiring telemetry.
IMPACT:  Minimal, SSR playback and state-of-health commanding had been

DOY 216 (08/04/05) ACE Anomaly G05-0105  GDS DSS-16  CMD Mod Index
The command modulation index was 8.80 dB.  (Nominal value is 1.69 dB, 0.86
radian).  The increased command modulation index resulted in a decreased
spacecraft receiver strength.  All commands, however, were successfully
received by the spacecraft.
IMPACT:  Minimal, all commands received by the spacecraft.