ACE Weekly 08/05/05 - 08/11/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         08/10/05
	DOY          222 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     12:10 min
	Start Time   14:59:08z
	Stop Time    15:11:18z
	Firing       62 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 08/18/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - Development continues within the TDF
configuration.  The DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 is scheduled for

ROBOTT - Version 1.0 testing on String 2 is expected to be completed Friday
08/12/05.  Version 1.0 will be installed on Monday 08/15/05.

Extra Activities:

DOY 218 (08/06/05) - ACE MOC started receiving the new DSN 0158 Monitor Data
Rev B from DSS-46 and have found no problems with the data.

DOY 220 (08/08/05) - SSR A 30 Telemetry Sections downlinked.  No new Single
Bit errors (correctable) found.

DOY 223 (08/11/05) and DOY 224 (08/12/05) - DSN passes were moved to
accommodate MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) launch slips.

