ACE Weekly 08/19/05 - 08/25/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         08/25/05
	DOY          237 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     9:03 min
	Start Time   16:01:42z
	Stop Time    16:10:45z
	Firing       46 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday 08/31/05.

The Sun-Earth-Vehicle (SEV) angle reached a minimum of ~2.35� on Friday 08/19/2005.  The L1 halo orbit continues to open up
resulting in larger SEV angles.  The L1 halo orbit will begin to close again in 2008 with the closest crossing in 2012.  Solar
Exclusion Zone (SEZ) transits are not regularly reported since DSN has had no problems acquiring ACE telemetry with SEV angles
greater than 1�.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The Test Plan has been completed and signed off.  Development continues within the TDF configuration.
The DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 is scheduled for 09/01/05.

ROBOTT - The ROBOTT Test Summary Report for Version 1.0 has been completed and signed off.  Operations has transitioned to this

Extra Activities:

DOY 237 (08/25/05) - During the troubleshooting of a modem protection switch at JPL (1700-2100z), there were brief gaps in
telemetry.  No investigation was done to determine if the gaps were due to the troubleshooting.  All data was captured through

DOY 237 (08/25/05) - A 1-hour (1920-2020z) support was scheduled for a Project Interface Test (PIT) of DSN's Link Monitor Processor
(LMP).  No problems occurred during the support.  The post-pass data analysis is underway.


DOY 233 (08/21/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0032  SWICS Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 1 brief red high limit violation (>-4.5V).  Jim Raines notified.
	2005-233 15:11:36 - 15:12:00z		-4.373 - -4.451V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 235 (08/23/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0033  S3DPU Limit Violations
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 3 brief red high limit violation (>440mA) during increased solar activity.  SSDIDLECTR was 35-42 in all
instances.  Mark Popecki notified.
	2005-235 15:37:01 - 15:37:03z		466 - 490mA
	2005-235 15:37:14 - 15:37:15z		447 - 458mA
	2005-236 06:37:05	- 06:37:21z		458 - 458mA
IMPACT:  S3DPU is expected to use more current during increased activity.

DOY 236 (08/24/05) ACE Anomaly S05-0034  SWICS Limit Violations
Several brief limit violations occurred during the recent increased solar activity.  Jim Raines notified.
	SSCPAP5V	2005-236 06:48:38 - 06:49:02z		4.16-4.21V	(YL <= 4.25V)
	SSCPAP5V	2005-236 07:24:40 - 07:25:04z		4.16-4.21V	(YL <= 4.25V)
	SSCPAP5V	2005-236 07:36:41 - 07:37:05z		4.11-4.21V	(YL <= 4.25V)
	SSCPAP5V	2005-236 07:48:41 - 07:48:05z		4.16-4.21V	(YL <= 4.25V)
	SSCPAP5V	2005-236 08:00:30 - 08:01:06z		4.16-4.21V	(YL <= 4.25V)
	SSCPAP5V	2005-236 10:59:52 - 11:00:28z		4.11V 	(YL <= 4.25V)
	SSCGR20V	2005-236 11:00:04 - 11:00:28z		16V   	(RL <= 16V)
	SSCGR20V	2005-236 16:00:32 - 16:00:56z		17V   	(YL <= 17V)
	SSCGR20V	2005-236 16:36:22 - 16:36:46z		17V   	(YL <= 17V)
	SSCPAM5V	2005-236 16:36:22 - 16:36:46z		-4.37 - -4.45V (RH > -4.5V)
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.