ACE Weekly 09/09/05 - 09/15/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday 09/16/05.


DOY 255 (09/12/05)  2134-2138z  SIS-029
Matrix detector strip #16 on M1B HV disabled due to noise.  At the urgent
request of the instrument team, an additional support was scheduled on
Monday to complete this OCR.

DOY 255 (09/12/05)  2138-2139z  CRIS-011
The Image Intensifier was powered on after being automatically safeguarded
during this week's solar activity (Saturday DOY 253 ~01:07z).  This OCR was
last executed on 05/19/05.

DOY 256 (09/13/05)  1835-1845z
ULEIS Shutter Motor Error flag was cleared (see AR#S05-0039).  The command
to clear the ULSRB_MOT_ERR flag was incorporated into the daily procedure
execution when autonomous shutter motion was enabled with OCR ULEIS-061 in
September 2001.

DOY 257 (09/14/05) 1610-1617z  SIS-030
Matrix detector strips #14 and #62 on M1B HV disabled due to noise.

SWPX-040 was postponed due to solar activity.  The SWEPAM-E CEM High Voltage
will be increased from level 14 to level 15 in order to compensate for
sensor gain losses due to aging affects.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The next DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 is
tentatively scheduled for Wednesday 10/05/05.

Extra Activities:

DOY 257 (09/14/05) - TAPS 4.4 Acceptance testing has been completed and the
Test Summary Report has been submitted.  TAPS 4.4 will be installed on the
Prime TAPS machine on Friday, 09/16/005.

DOY 258 (09/15/05) - A 1-hour (2035-2135z) Project Interface Test (PIT) was
completed for the equipment upgrade at DSS-27 (V5.9).  Even though the
ranging calibration is not correct, the ranging subcarrier was applied to
test the uplink signal strength and the data was forwarded to FDF to test
the interface.  Conscan was enabled for this pass and no problems were
found.  Further post-pass data analysis is underway.


DOY 254 (09/11/05)  S05-0038  SWICS Yellow Low Limit Violation
SSCGR20V had 2 brief yellow low limit violations (YL <= 17V) during the
increased solar activity.  Jim Raines notified.
	2005-254 04:46:28 - 04:46:52z		17.0-17.0V
	2005-254 04:58:16 - 04:58:40z		17.0-17.0V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 253 (09/10/05)  S05-0039  S3DPU Red High Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violation (RH > 440mA) during
the increased solar activity.  The SSDIDLECTR was 63.  Mark Popecki
	2005-253 15:47:58 - 15:47:59z		454-454mA
IMPACT:  Increased current usage expected during solar activity.

DOY 256 (09/13/05)  S05-0039  ULEIS Shutter Motor Error flagged
ULSRB_MOT_ERR was set to 0xFFFF at 10:16:02z.  The flag was cleared during
the real-time support (18:39:43z) and the instrumenters were informed.

IMPACT:  Shutter has successfully moved 2 more times since the motor error
flagged.  Awaiting instructions from ULEIS team if necessary.

Background: Several ULEIS OCRs were executed from May-Nov 2001 to resolve
shutter motion problems and enable autonomous shutter motion.  The
instrument team worked through several issues, for example, adjusting
LED/phototransistor settings to correctly measure the motor position.

From the instrument team: The purpose of the autonomous shutter motion
algorithm is to automatically adjust the position of the ULEIS shutter,
based on incoming particle rates, in order to prevent the instrument from
saturating during large solar flares.

Since 01/01/2002, the shutter has moved 147 times without error.
	Year		# of shutter movements
	2002		44
	2003		38
	2004		34
	2005		error on 32nd movement

The command to clear the flag was incorporated into the daily procedure
execution when autonomous shutter motion was enabled (OCR ULEIS-061) in
September 2001.  The command must be executed during a real-time support
since the parameter location in the on-board data collection buffer contains
other ULEIS data which prevents the use of C&DH autonomy bins.

DOY 256 (09/13/05)  G05-0116  ROBOTT terminated ULEIS procedure
The ROBOTT ground software has predefined time constraints on procedure
execution.  The TSTOL procedure 'uleis_mot_err.prc' was waiting to see that
the command to clear the shutter motor error flag was successful when ROBOTT
terminated the procedure (18:41:42z).  The FOT will resubmit the request to
remove ROBOTT's predefined time constraints on procedure execution (CDSID
IMPACT:  Procedure was re-executed by ROBOTT.  The command to reset the
motor position was not sent.  The shutter motor, however, had already been
at the reset position (100%).

DOY 256 (09/13/05)  G05-0117  ROBOTT executed 2 procedures simultaneously
The ROBOTT ground software started both 'uleis_mot_err.prc' and
's_ops_plbk_complete.prc'.  TPOCC paused the ULEIS procedure while executing
the SSR procedure.  While completing the last SSR redump, ROBOTT terminated
all procedures due to predefined time constraints on procedure execution.
No procedures were re-executed.  The FOT will resubmit the request to remove
ROBOTT's predefined time constraints on procedure execution (CDSID 21270).
IMPACT:  ULEIS shutter motor error had not flagged since it had been cleared
earlier.  SSR procedure was on the last redump when the procedure was
terminated and all data was captured.

DOY 257 (09/14/05)  G05-0118  GDS DSS-16 Unable to Acquire Downlink.
DSS-16 was unable to acquire the downlink at BOT.  DSS-24 was brought up to
acquire the downlink (telemetry) while DSS-16 provided the uplink
(commanding).   DSS-24 was only able to provide the downlink due to
scheduled maintenance.  DR#G106061
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 16 minutes.

DOY 258 (09/15/05)  G05-0119  GDS DSS-16 CMD Mod Index
Incorrect CMD Mod Index (0.62dB instead of correct value of 1.69dB) was
sufficient for C&DH A to be commanded but not C&DH B.  Procedures continued
execution, as designed, after C&DH B commands were not accepted so that SSR
dumps and state of health checks could be completed.  C&DH B needs to be
commanded once every 80 hours to avoid antenna reconfiguration.  C&DH B was
successfully commanded later in the support.  DR#G106066
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Station corrected CMD Mod Index during support

DOY 258 (09/15/05)  S05-0040  S3DPU Red High Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violation (RH > 440mA) during
the increased solar activity.  The SSDIDLECTR was 39-43.  Mark Popecki
	2005-258 11:17:33 - 11:18:05z		443-451mA
IMPACT:  Increased current usage expected during solar activity.

DOY 258 (09/15/05)  S05-0041  SWICS Yellow Low Limit Violation
SSCGR20V had 1 brief yellow low limit violations (YL <= 17V) during the
increased solar activity.  Jim Raines notified.
	2005-258 14:07:04 - 17:07:28z		16.8-17.0V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.