ACE Weekly 09/16/05 - 09/22/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


        Type         Attitude     Attitude
        Date         09/16/05     09/16/05
        DOY          259 2005     259 2005
        Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-   2R 4R+ 4R-
        Duration     6:09 min     7:05 min
        Start Time   16:49:26z    17:53:06z
        Stop Time    16:55:35z    18:00:11z
        Firing       32 pulses    36 pulses

The next attitude maneuver and station keeping maneuver #37 are scheduled
for Wednesday 09/28/05.


DOY 264 (09/21/05)  1603-1609z  SWPX-040
SWEPAM-E CEM High Voltage increased from level 14 to level 15 in order to
compensate for sensor gain losses due to aging affects.

DOY 264 (09/21/05)  1623-1632z  SC-05-003
C&DH Block and Autonomy Bins for RF antenna switching have been updated.
This included updating the bin for recovery of Rcvr B on +Z (e.g. from a
C&DH B RF Watchdog #1) and consolidating bins with duplicate actions.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The next DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 is
scheduled for Wednesday 10/05/05 at 1600-2015z.  The next telecon is
scheduled for Thursday 10/06/05 at 1800z.

RIONet - The target date for transferring string 3 to the Restricted IONet
has been tentatively set for Monday 10/17/05.

Extra Activities:

DOY 262 (09/19/05) 1700-1800z  No impact to operations from JPL circuit
release to cut circuits over to a T-1 patch panel at CTT and only one T-1
line available for Closed IONet.

DOY 265 (09/22/05) 1915-2200z  FOT supported DSS-16 troubleshooting of CMD
Mod Index problems after the scheduled support.  The station engineer reset
and recalibrated the equipment for successful operation, but no root cause
was determined.  No commands were transmitted to the spacecraft during these
tests (water load).


DOY 259 (09/16/05)  G05-0120  GDS DSS-16 CMD Mod Index
Incorrect CMD Mod Index (0.39dB instead of correct value of 1.69dB)
prevented the spacecraft from seeing commands.  Station manually re-entered
value and commands were successful.  DR# G106071
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 8 minutes

DOY 263 (09/20/05)  G05-0121  GDS DSS-16 Transmitter Failure
Ops Chief informed FOT that DSS-16 was red and unavailable for the scheduled
support.  The Ops Chief acquired another support with DSS-27 and updated the
DSN schedule in time for ROBOTT to download the new pass times.  DR# G106083
IMPACT:  No sequential ranging with DSS-27

DOY 265 (09/22/05)  G05-0122  GDS DSS-16 CMD Mod Index
Incorrect CMD Mod Index (0.41dB instead of correct value of 1.69dB)
prevented the spacecraft from seeing commands.  Station manually re-entered
value and commands were successful.  DR# G106094
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 14 minutes

DOY 265 (09/22/05)  G05-0123  GDS DSS-16 Ranging Correlation Alarms
Station received constant SRA (Sequential Ranging Assembly) bad correlation
alarms during the support from their equipment.  FDF has been notified that
the range data may be invalid.  DR# G106095
IMPACT:  Ranging data