ACE Weekly 09/23/05 - 09/29/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


        Type         Attitude     Attitude     Station Keeping #37
        Date         09/28/05     09/28/05     09/28/05
        DOY          271 2005     271 2005     271 2005
        Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-   2R 4R+ 4R-   1A 2A
        Duration     7:29 min     6:57 min     41.24 seconds
        Start Time   16:39:19z    17:53:12z    19:38:09z
        Stop Time    16:46:48z    18:00:09z    19:38:50z
        Firing       38 pulses    36 pulses    continuous

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday 10/11/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The next DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 is
scheduled for Wednesday 10/05/05 at 1700-2000z.  The next telecon is
scheduled for Thursday 10/06/05 at 1800z.

RIONet - The target date for transferring string 3 to the Restricted IONet
has been tentatively set for Monday 10/17/05.

Extra Activities:

DOY 266 (09/23/05) Active C&DH Block Bins downlinked.  RF antenna switching
bins (OCR SC-05-003) successfully verified.

DOY 271 (09/28/05) 1600-2200z  No impact to operations from AGS Maintenance
at Goldstone.


NOTE:  JPL/DSN has informed us that after troubleshooting the DSS-16 CMD Mod
Index problem on DOY 265, the root cause of the CMD Mod Index problem has
not been determined.  Since DSS-16 will be decommissioned next year, further
troubleshooting will not be performed.  DRs and Anomaly Reports will still
be written whenever the CMD Mod Index needs to be corrected.

DOY 268 (09/25/05)  S05-0042  SWICS Red High Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 1 brief red high limit violations (RH >-4.5V).  Jim Raines
	2005-268 23:38:35 - 23:39:02z		-4.490V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 269 (09/26/05)  G05-0124  GDS DSS-27 Receiver Problems
Station successfully resolved problems with the Link Monitor Processor (LMP)
at Beginning of Track.  DR# G106107
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 8 minutes

DOY 270 (09/27/05)  S05-0043  SWICS Red High Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 3 brief red high limit violations (RH >-4.5V).  Jim Raines
	2005-270 17:17:43 - 17:18:08z		-4.490V
	2005-270 19:05:51 - 19:06:15z		-4.451V
	2005-270 22:54:18 - 22:54:42z		-4.490V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 271 (09/28/05)  G05-0125  GDS DSS-16 CMD Mod Index
Incorrect CMD Mod Index (8.80dB instead of correct value of 1.69dB) reduced
uplink signal strength during commanding.  DR# G106116
IMPACT:  Minimal, all commands were successfully verified.

DOY 271 (09/28/05)  S05-0044  S3DPU Red High Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violations (RH >480mA).
SSDIDLECTR was 60-63.  Mark Popecki notified.
	2005-271 16:07:12 - 16:07:14z		498-514mA
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Mark Popecki.