ACE Weekly 09/30/05 - 10/06/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Tuesday 10/11/05.


OCR SWPX-041 is scheduled to be executed on Friday 10/07/05 to adjust the
over-count protection to help extend the instrument's operational life.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The second DSN/Developer test with DTF-21 was
completed on Wednesday 10/05/05.  The following 4 test activities were
completed successfully: commanding from TPOCC, automated F-CLTU connection,
automated commanding and automated handover.  Several new issues were
uncovered by the testing which the developers will work on.  Further testing
will be necessary after additional software components are completed.
However, ACE SLE development may be put on hold as developer resources are
diverted to SOHO SLE and other projects.

RIONet - The target date for transferring string 3 to the Restricted IONet
has been tentatively set for Monday 10/17/05.

Extra Activities:

DOY 276 (10/03/05) C&DH B (Inactive) Autonomy Bins downlinked.  RF antenna
switching bins (OCR SC-05-003) successfully verified.

DOY 279 (10/06/05) C&DH B (Inactive) Block Bins downlinked.  RF antenna
switching bins (OCR SC-05-003) will be verified.


DOY 279 (10/06/05)  G05-0126  GDS DSS-16 CMD Mod Index
Incorrect CMD Mod Index (carrier suppression of 8.80dB instead of correct
value of 1.69dB) reduced uplink signal strength during commanding.  Station
reset TCP1 which corrected the problem. DR# G106150
IMPACT:  Minimal, all commands were successfully verified.

DOY 273 (09/30/05)  S05-0045  SWICS Red High Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 2 brief red high limit violations (RH >-4.5V).  Jim Raines
	2005-273 14:09:45 - 14:10:09  -4.451V
	2005-273 15:21:49 - 15:22:13	-4.490V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.