ACE Weekly 10/07/05 - 10/13/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


        Type         Attitude     Attitude
        Date         10/11/05     10/11/05
        DOY          284 2005     284 2005
        Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-   2R 4R+ 4R-
        Duration     7:43 min     6:46 min
        Start Time   16:57:03z    17:59:14z
        Stop Time    17:04:46z    18:06:00z
        Firing       39 pulses    35 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 10/28/05.


DOY 280 (10/07/05)  1615-1624z  SWPX-041
SWEPAM-E overcount protection function adjusted to help extend the
instrument's operational life.  Overcount threshold changed from 128 to 32
and CemHV_SafeDataMode increased from 15 to 255 cycles.

DOY 286 (10/13/05)  1639-1648z and 1732-1744z  SIS-031
Leakage currents on HV side of Matrix detector M1B have been steadily
rising, resulting in more and more detector strips having to be manually
turned off.  By reducing the M12B bias voltage from 2.8 to 2.3V we hope to
reduce the overall leakage current problem on this detector.  After ~1 hour,
the instrument team decided to restore the bias voltage back to 2.8V.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE development continues but may be put on
hold as developer resources are diverted to SOHO SLE and other projects.

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIonet within a month.

Extra Activities:



DOY 280 (10/07/05)  S05-0046  SWICS Red High Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 4 brief red high limit violations (RH >-4.5V).  Jim Raines
	2005-280 22:18:36 - 22:19:00  -4.412 - -4.490V
	2005-280 23:30:40 - 23:31:04  -4.373 - -4.412V
	2005-281 00:30:31 - 00:30:55  -4.451 - -4.490V
	2005-281 04:39:56 - 04:40:20  -4.490V
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 286 (10/13/05)  G05-0127  AC3FE1A Frozen
AC3FE1A workstation frozen and unable to remotely login.  System
Administrator was able to reset the workstation.
IMPACT:  Minimal, workstation on backup string.

DOY 286 (10/13/05)  G05-0128  GDS DSS-16  Uplink Lost
Commercial power glitch at station (18:15:34z) resulted in a brief TLM
outage and a loss of the uplink.  Station successfully reacquired uplink
(18:24:47z)  DR# G106166
IMPACT:  Minimal.  ROBOTT did not perform the second check of ULSRB_MOT_ERR.
ULSRB_MOT_ERR has not flagged since DOY 256. 

DOY 286 (10/13/05)  S05-0047  Incorrect SIS CMD ECHO
While executing OCR SIS-031, the SIS CMD ECHO (to restore the bias voltage
to 2.8V) did not match the command sent:
	17:32:36	CMD:   /cmd sis_vstring
	17:33:12	ECHO:  6 SDACVAL 13 + C! REN      REN?~|
Instrumenter requested an additional command
	17:35:46	CMD:   /CMD SIS_REFON
	17:36:21	ECHO:  REFON Ok~|
After the pass, the hex sequence and the command echo from the station were
verified.  The command transmitted and received by the spacecraft was
IMPACT:  No impact mentioned by instrumenter.