ACE Weekly 10/21/05 - 10/27/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.

NOTE:  There will be no ACE/DSN pass on Monday 10/31/05 (DOY 304) due to
Goldstone's critical preventive maintenance.  A 5-hour pass (1630-2130z)is
scheduled for Tuesday 11/01/05 to capture all recorded data.


        Type         Attitude     Attitude
        Date         10/27/05     10/27/05
        DOY          300 2005     300 2005
        Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-   2R 4R+ 4R-
        Duration     2:57 min     10:44 min
        Start Time   16:53:47z    17:55:20z
        Stop Time    16:56:44z    18:06:04z
        Firing       15 pulses    55 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 11/10/05.

Station-Keeping 37 (Sept 2005) Analysis provided by FDF

Burn Start........	2005-09-28 19:38:09
Burn Stop.........	2005-09-28 19:38:50
Duration..........	41.240 seconds
Thruster Set......	1A,2A
Delta-v expected..	-0.2326 m/s
Delta-v observed..	-0.2248 m/s
Performance.......	-3.37%
Propellant used...	0.0704 kg
Remaining per tank	19.0392 kg
Total remaining...	76.1567 kg
Spin rate initial.	5.0635 rpm
Spin rate final...	5.0493 rpm
Attitude RA.......	198.220 deg
Attitude DEC......	-12.720 deg


SWPX-042 is scheduled for execution on Friday 10/28/05 to adjust the
SWEPAM-E Normal Cycle duration.  The number of STEA modes will be increased
from 13 to 55.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE development has been delayed due to
developer resource issues.  The next DTF-21/Developer test is targeted for
November and will verify TDF firewall configuration.  However, additional
tests will most likely be postponed until early December. 

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet within a month.

Extra Activities:



DOY 293 (10/20/05)  G05-0133  TAPS Data Capture Terminated
The TAPS trending software's Data Capture Daemon had stopped when the
network was disconnected during the preparations for the RIONet cable.  The
TAPS workstations were restarted on DOY 295 which restarted the Data Capture
Daemon.  Further problems with AC1TAPS1 were resolved after a loose cable to
the network hub was reconnected.
IMPACT:  Data from DOY 293 and 294 was manually ingested via CDR.

DOY 295 (10/22/05)  G05-0134  AC3FE1A Workstation Failure
AC3FE1A workstation had frozen and required the SysAdmins to reset the
workstation.  The problem returned on DOY 297.  This was the same problem as
AR G05-0127 on DOY 286.  SysAdmins and Hardware maintenance replaced the
motherboard (processor A only) on DOY 298 which successfully resolved the
IMPACT:  String 3 would not have been able to support activities if both
Strings 1 and 2 had failed.

DOY 295 (10/22/05)  G05-0135  DSS-16 CMD Mod Index
At Beginning Of Track, CMD Mod Index was incorrect (carrier suppression of
0.41dB instead of 1.69dB).  FOT notified the station and the CMD Mod Index
was re-entered.  DR#G106197
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 20 minutes.

DOY 297 (10/24/05)  SWICS Limit Violations
SSCPAM5V had 1 brief red high limit violations (RH >-4.5V).
	2005-297 23:42:21 - 23:42:57	-4.490V
SSCGR20V had 9 brief yellow low limit violations (YL <= 17.0V)
	2005-297 23:54:45 - 23:55:09	16.7-17.0V
	2005-298 01:30:27 - 01:30:51	16.7-17.0V
	2005-298 01:42:27 - 01:42:51	16.7-16.9V
	2005-298 01:54:52 - 01:55:16	16.6-17.0V
	2005-298 02:06:41 - 02:07:17	17.0-17.0V
	2005-298 02:18:17 - 02:18:41	16.8-17.0V
	2005-298 02:30:18 - 02:30:42	16.6-17.0V
	2005-298 02:42:19 - 02:42:43	16.6-17.0V
	2005-298 02:42:55 - 02:43:19	17.0-17.0V
Jim Raines notified.
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.

DOY 298 (10/25/05)  G05-0136  TAPS Data Capture Terminated
The TAPS trending software's Data Capture Daemon had stopped.  A network
disruption at 2030z was likely due to the motherboard replacement of
AC3FE1A.  The TAPS workstations were restarted on DOY 299 which restarted
the Data Capture Daemon.
IMPACT:  Data from DOY 299 was manually ingested via CDR.