ACE Weekly 11/11/05 - 11/17/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Tuesday 11/22/05.


DOY 315 (11/11/05)  1708z  CRIS-012 
The contents of the CRIS error counters were dumped to find out under what
conditions CRIS events get tossed due to SOFT errors.  In addition, when
events are tossed, the instrument team wants to know if they were counted in
some way.  A count of the various different types of errors is maintained in
the SRAM, but not routinely telemetered.  

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE development has been become a top
priority.  The next DTF-21/Developer test is November 18 and will verify TDF
firewall configuration.  The next software test including the long duration
test with DTF-21 is targeted for November 30.  The target date for the
developer's MOC system test is in the first week of December followed by a
delivery in the second week.  

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet by the end of month.

Extra Activities:

DOY 319 (11/15/05) - Scrolled through all 30 telemetry section for SSR-A.
No new errors were detected on the SSR.

DOY 320 (11/16/05) - Scrolled through all 30 telemetry section for SSR-B.
No new errors were detected on the SSR.

DOY 320 (11/16/05) - Preventive maintenance was performed on the ACE MOC
Power Distribution Units (PDU's) during the pass.  There was no impact to


DOY 316 (11/12/05)  G05-0140  DSS-16 Lost Uplink
At 18:19, 51 minutes prior to EOT, D16 lost the uplink.  At 19:00, the
uplink was re-established with only 10 minutes left in the pass (EOT 19:10).
DR G106250.
IMPACT:  Not all the SSR data was recovered during the pass.  Redumps were
performed on the next scheduled pass and all data was recovered.  The final
state of health checks were also not performed.

DOY 318 (11/14/05)  G04-0125  Data Server Connection lost (appended)
After EOT, Command & Control lost connection to the Data Server.  This is an
intermittent error.  A DR (CDSID #00021091) was submitted on 11/1/04 to
document the problem.  
IMPACT:  All commanding and data recovery had already completed for support.
Cause of error message continues to be unknown.  

DOY 321 (11/17/05)  G05-0141  DSS-16 Delayed Uplink
Just after BOT (15:40), DSS-16 reported problems with their ranging
equipment, which ultimately affected the uplink.  The command link wasn't
established until 1 hour and 23 minutes into the pass (17:03).  An extra 1
hour and 20 minutes was obtained from DSN at the end of the scheduled
support.  DR G106262.
IMPACT:  Late uplink, but pass was extended.  All data was recovered from
the SSR.      

DOY 321 (11/17/05)  G05-0142  Incorrect Cmd Mod Index (DSS-16)
The FOT received messages that both commands to C&DH-B were not accepted by
the spacecraft.  Analysis of the 0158 Monitor Data revealed the command
modulation index was incorrect.  DR G106263.  
IMPACT: No commands were sent to the inactive CDH.