ACE Weekly 12/02/05 - 12/08/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         12/02/05
	DOY          336 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     12:30 min
	Start Time   17:14:53z
	Stop Time    17:27:23z
	Start HGA    5.98 deg
	Stop HGA     6.39 deg
	Firing       64 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday 12/14/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The first SLE delivery to the Library is
expected December 14.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet in January.  The
firewall in the TDF has not been completely configured and tested.  The SA's
would like the TDF configured with the firewall and RIONET before converting
the MOC to the RIONET.

Extra Activities:

DOY 339 (12/05/05) - Scrolled through all 30 telemetry section for SSR-A.
No new errors were detected on the SSR.

DOY 340 (12/06/05) - Scrolled through all 30 telemetry section for SSR-B.
No new errors were detected on the SSR.


DOY 336 (12/02/05)  G05-0150  2 CMD Echos for every 1 CMD
At the completion of the pass with DSS-16 the FOT noticed that 2 cmd echoes
were received for each command sent.  DR#N103250
IMPACT: It is unknown whether duplicate commands were sent to the
spacecraft.  The spacecraft would have just ignored the duplicate command.

DOY 336 (12/02/05)  S05-0054  SWICS Limit Violation
SSCGR20V had 1 brief yellow low limit violation (YL <= 17V).  
	2005-336 00:46:26 - 00:47:02  17.0
Jim Raines notified. 
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines.