ACE Weekly 12/09/05 - 12/15/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         12/14/05
	DOY          348 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     10:33 min
	Start Time   17:21:15z
	Stop Time    17:31:48z
	Start HGA    5.58 deg
	Stop HGA     6.37 deg
	Firing       54 pulses

The next attitude and station-keeping maneuvers are scheduled for Thursday


DOY 349 (12/15/05)  1631-1630z  SIS-035 
Recent stepping up of bias voltage on HV side of Matrix detector M1B has
been promising, resulting in overall improvement of noise on the detector
strips. By turning off 2 more noisy strips and raising the M12B bias voltage
by one notch, from 3.26V to 3.73V, we will further explore the effects of
slightly higher bias voltage on the leakage current and the counting rates
of this detector. If the results are positive we will leave the higher bias
voltage in place.

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The first version of ACE SLE was delivered to
the Library on December 14.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet in January.  The
firewall in the TDF has not been completely configured and tested.  The SA's
would like the TDF configured with the firewall and RIONET before converting
the MOC to the RIONET.

Extra Activities:

DOY 346 (12/12/05) - A Project Interface Test (PIT) was done to validate the
new ranging equipment with DSS-27.  Post PIT analysis is still ongoing and a
summary will be sent out by COB Monday.  We are still waiting to hear from
Flight Dynamics on the validity of the range data.  


DOY 348 (12/14/05)  G05-0151  MOPSS unable to process command sheet
MOPSS was unable to export the maneuver command procedure.  After several
unsuccessful attempts to export, the maneuver command sheet was transfered
to String 2 for MOPSS processing.  
IMPACTS:  Delay in the start time for the maneuver due to MOPSS failure on
primary operational string.  Implemented a temporary workaround using the
backup string for processing of the maneuver command sheet.