ACE Weekly 12/16/05 - 12/22/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude     StationKeeping
	Date         12/22/05     12/22/05
	DOY          256 2005     256 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-   3A 4A
	Duration     7:24 min     30.4 sec
	Start Time   16:43:27z    18:16:10z
	Stop Time    16:50:51z    18:16:41z
	Start HGA    1.686 deg
	Stop HGA     6.497 deg
	Firing       38 pulses    Continuous

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday 12/29/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The first version of ACE SLE was delivered to
the Library on December 14.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet in January.  The
firewall testing in the TDF has been scheduled for the first week in

Extra Activities:

DOY 355 (12/21/05)  Installation of ACE DDS v1.0 from the Library.  (Ref AR
G05-0152 and AR G05-0153).  Installation procedures were red-lined to
correct the DDS software.  The SysAdmins performed a backup of the DDS after
the installation.


DOY 350 (12/16/05)  G05-0152  ACEDDS Software Missing
The FOT noticed that software on the ACEDDS (ACE Data Distribution Server)
was missing.  Cause Unknown.  DR CDSID 21325 was submitted to remove
universal write privileges from the software directory.  
IMPACTS: Unable to update paging lists and passwords, unable to access pass
summary reports.

DOY 350 (12/16/05)  G05-0153  Library and backup copy of ACEDDS software
The System Administrators used a backup from May 2005 to restore the ACEDDS
(Ref AR G05-0152).  This backup version was different from the version that
was being used for operations.  
IMPACTS: The DDS webserver was not functioning properly after the backup was
installed.  The validity of the rest of the ACEDDS software was unknown, so
it was powered off for the weekend.  The XTE DDS was used as a backup.

DOY 350 (12/16/05)  G05-0154  Unable to Connect to XTEOST
The connection to the XTEOST was not established from the ACEMOC.  An update
to the Gateway Request was not implemented correctly by NASCOM.  NASCOM
re-established the gateway rules to XTEOST.
IMPACTS: Unable to use XTEOST as the backup until the connectivity issue was

DOY 352 (12/18/05)  S05-0055  S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I RH Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violation (RH >480 mA).  The
SSDIDLECTR was ~ 69.
	2005-352 18:29:18 - 18:29:20  482.406mA
Mark Popecki was notified.  
IMPACT: Unknown at this time.

DOY 354 (12/20/05)  G05-0155  ACEDDS Rebooting Unexpectedly
The ACEDDS kept rebooting unexpectedly.  
IMPACTS: Minimal.  The motherboard was replaced.