ACE Weekly 12/23/05 - 12/29/05

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         12/29/05
	DOY          363 2005
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     7:01 min
	Start Time   16:36:52z
	Stop Time    16:43:53z
	Start HGA    1.588 deg
	Stop HGA     6.248 deg
	Firing       36 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Monday 01/09/05.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The first version of ACE SLE was delivered to
the Library on December 14.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until
late January/early February.  

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet in January.  The
firewall testing in the TDF has been scheduled for the first week in

Extra Activities:



DOY 359-360 (12/25-26/05)  G05-0156  No VC2 (Playback) Data
VC2 playback data stopped flowing from fanout about 40 minutes after BOT on
DOY 359 and continued through DOY 360.  FOT downloaded the CDR files for DOY
359 and 360 from DSN which did have all the data.  CDManager informed FOT
that while fixing a problem on DOY359, the fanout went to default settings.
The settings were corrected on DOY 360.
IMPACTS: No VC2 playback data for 2 days.  Would have had 15 hours of
playback data loss if FOT had not downloaded the CDR to update the automated
SSR operations.  All data was recovered.

DOY 361 (12/27/05)  G05-0157  No Lock on CDH B
DSS-16 did not obtain lock on Spacecraft Receiver B at BOT.  The command mod
index was incorrectly set at 1.76 radians vice 0.86 radians.  DR G106376.
IMPACTS: 1 cmd for CDH B (inactive CDH) did not make it to the spacecraft.

DOY 363 (12/29/05)  G05-0158  Incorrect Command Mod Index
DSS-16 had the command mod index incorrectly set at 0.75 dB vice 1.69 dB.
DR G106380
IMPACTS: 1 cmd for CDH B (inactive CDH) did not make it to the spacecraft.