ACE Weekly 02/10/06 - 02/16/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude
	Date         02/16/06
	DOY          047 2006
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration     8:24 min
	Start Time   17:40:13z
	Stop Time    17:48:37z
	Start HGA    4.90 deg
	Stop HGA     6.22 deg
	Firing       43 pulses

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday 02/22/06.


DOY 040 (02/10/06)  1639-1644z  SIS-038
Four matrix detector strips were enabled recently (OCR-37) and their
firmware threshold was not lowered right away so that we could monitor
performance of the instrument. This change is a result of the performance

Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The first version of ACE SLE was delivered to
the Library on December 14.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until

RIONet - String 3 is anticipated to move to the RIONet in February.  The TDF
firewall test with DSN has been rescheduled to Wednesday 2/22/06.  

Attitude Training - The FOT continues training on attitude determination,
maneuver planning, and maneuver execution.

Extra Activities:

DOY 041 (02/10/06) - String 3 was scanned in preparation for the move to the
RIONET.  There were 2 high level vulnerabilities that need to be address
before moving to the RIONET.

DOY 044 (02/13/06) - The MOC SLE machines were scanned in preparation for
the move to the RIONET.  There were no vulnerabilities found.

DOY 044 (02/13/06) - Scrolled through all 30 telemetry section for SSR-B.
No new errors were detected on the SSR.


DOY 043 (02/12/06)  G06-0022  DSS-27 Incorrect Predicts
DSS-27 station remotely reset antenna controller and re-downloaded predicts.
DR G106530.
IMPACTS:  4-minute delay to activities.

DOY 044 (02/13/06)  G04-0125  Data Server Connection lost (appended)
After EOT, Command & Control lost connection to the Data Server.  This is an
intermittent error.  A DR (CDSID #00021091) was submitted on 11/1/04 to
document the problem.  
IMPACT:  All commanding and data recovery had already completed for support.
Cause of error message continues to be unknown.  

DOY 046 (02/15/06)  G06-0023  DSS-27 Antenna Stow
About 35 minutes into the pass DSS-27 had to stow the antenna due to high
winds.  DR G106540.
IMPACT:  Lost the remainder of the pass.  1 hour and 35 minutes of playback
was not recovered until the next support.

DOY 047 (02/16/06)  G06-0024  Two Instances of TPOCC
The FOT started the ROBOTT prepass activities at the same time the ROBOTT
Real-time Monitor was starting the pass activites.  This caused TPOCC to
startup twice at the same time.  All automation processes were killed and
restarted individual by the FOT.
IMPACT:  No impact to the pass.  All systems were functioning properly
before the pass started.   

DOY 047 (02/16/06)  G06-0025  Erroneous Message from C&C
Command and Control sent out an erroneous message stating that telemetry was
offline for 156 mins.  This is due to a problem with C&C not realizing when
telemetry resumes after a dropout, while in a manual paused state.  This
problem has been previously documented in DR CDSID 21190 on 04/25/05.
IMPACT:  FOT notified about a telemetry dropout that was not as long as the
message states.

DOY 047 (02/16/06)  G06-0026  ROBOTT/C&C Froze
ROBOTT froze after procedure S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE completed (EOT-5minutes).
RTMON restart not performed since 5 minutes before End of Track.
IMPACT:  Procedure G_ACEDOWN not executed, status reports not completed
before TPOCC terminated.