ACE Weekly 03/31/06 - 04/06/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type         Attitude     Attitude     Station Keeping #39
	Date         04/05/06     04/05/06     04/05/06
	DOY          095 2006     095 2006     095 2006
	Thrusters    2R 4R+ 4R-   2R 4R+ 4R-   1A 2A
	Duration     08:03 min    05:20 min    22 sec
	Start Time   15:22:06z    16:33:29z    17:45:05z
	Stop Time    15:30:09z    16:38:49z    17:45:27z
	Start HGA    -6.01 deg    3.09 deg		
	Stop HGA     3.09 deg     6.10 deg		
	Firing       41 pulses    28 pulses    Continuous

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday 04/21/06.



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - The first version of ACE SLE was delivered to
the Library on December 14.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until
after String 3 is converted to the RIONET.  

RIONet - String 3 conversion to the RIONet is on hold based on NASCOM's

Attitude Training - The FOT continues training on attitude determination,
maneuver planning, and maneuver execution.

Extra Activities:



DOY 091 (04/01/06)  G05-0048  Erroneous Pass Change Message - Appended
ROBOTT populates the 'passparm' file with duplicate view information when
the next DOY or current DOY corresponds to 092.  092 is the spacecraft ID,
which is one of the fields in the view file.  CDSID 21179
IMPACT:  No impact to scheduled activities.  This will occur every year on
DOY 091 and 092.

DOY 096 (04/06/06)  G06-0036  Fanout Connection Lost
IPNOC reset the fanout connection after their regular software maintenance.
The reset occurred during a command period, so one command had to be
retransmitted to the spacecraft.  Command Echo blocks were not received at
the MOC after the reset.
IMPACT:  One command retransmission.  No Echo blocks for the remainder of
the pass.