ACE Weekly 05/05/06 - 05/11/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Monday 05/15/06. 



Ongoing Activities:

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not be until
after String 3 is converted to the RIONET.  

RIONet - The RIONET cables have been laid in the MOC and have been connected
to the switches and firewalls.    

Attitude Training - The FOT continues training on attitude determination,
maneuver planning, and maneuver execution.

Extra Activities:

DOY 129 (05/09/06) - Scrolled through all 30 telemetry section for SSR-A.
No new errors were detected on the SSR.

DOY 131 (05/11/06) - Performed an Uplink only test with DSS-16 to test a
possible resolution to the command mod index problems.


DOY 126 (05/06/06)  S06-0005  SSCPAM5V RH Limit Violation
SSCPAM5V had 2 brief red high limit violation (RH >= -4.5V).  
	2006-126 13:11:40 - 13:12:04  -4.451
	2005-126 13:23:28 - 13:23:52  -4.451
Jim Raines notified. 
IMPACT:  Awaiting instructions from Jim Raines. 

DOY 128 (05/08/06)  G06-0046  Bad Tape
A bad tape was used for the weekly history archive.  The archive needed to
be restarted on a new tape.
IMPACT:  All data was archived. 

DOY 129 (05/09/06)  G06-0047  TAPS Time Incorrect
The system time on both TAPS machines was off by 30 minutes.  SA's reset the
IMPACT:  Unknown at this time.

DOY 130 (05/10/06)  G06-0048  ACEDDS Hard Drive Full
The /var drive on ACEDDS filled up because the FOT cron jobs were generating
error messages that were being mailed to root.  
IMPACT:  Some applications could not run (e.g. ved).

DOY 130 (05/10/06)  G06-0049  DSS-66 Incorrect Cmd Mod Index 
DSS-66 had the command mod index incorrectly set at 0.48 dB vice 1.69 dB.
DR N103649.
IMPACT: The first command needed to be retransmitted four times.  

DOY 131 (05/11/06)  G06-0050  Erroneous Message from C&C
Command and Control sent out an erroneous message stating that telemetry was
offline for 22 mins.  This is due to a problem with C&C not realizing when
telemetry resumes after a dropout, while in a manual paused state.  This
problem has been previously documented in DR CDSID 21190 on 04/25/05.
IMPACT:  FOT notified about a telemetry dropout that was not as long as the
message states.