ACE Weekly 07/14/06 - 07/20/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type          Attitude
	Date          07/14/2006
	DOY           195 2006
	Thrusters     2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration      9:17 min
	Start Time    15:43:05z
	Stop Time     15:52:22z
	Start HGA     -2.82 deg
	Stop HGA       6.60 deg
	Firing        47 pulses
	Final SC Mass 1396.633 lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday, 07/21/06.


GRD-164 - 07/17/06 - FDF delivers ephemeris files and other products from
workstations located at FDF.  A new address was added to the hosts.allow
file so that FDF can continue to deliver these products.

Ongoing Activities:

Attitude Training - The FOT continues training on attitude determination,
maneuver planning, and maneuver execution.  The transition date is
tentatively scheduled for 07/28/06.

RIONET - The firewall licensing issue has been resolved, but now ACE is
waiting for SOHO to be transitioned first.  

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not occur until
after String 3 is converted to the RIONET.

Multi-Mission MOC - The FOT has begun supporting the effort to determine the
feasibility of transferring to a multi-mission MOC.

Extra Activities:

DOY 200 (07/19/06) - The quarterly security scans were completed and no
vulnerabilities were found.

