ACE Weekly 07/28/06 - 08/03/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       
	Date        07/28/2006     
	DOY         209 2006       
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+     
	Duration    9:52 min       
	Start       15:17:28z      
	Stop        15:27:20z      
	StartHGA    -3.07 deg               
	StopHGA      6.52 deg               
	Firing      50 pulses      
	FinalSCMass 1396.318lbs    

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday, 08/04/06.



Ongoing Activities:

Attitude Training - The FOT continues training on attitude determination,
maneuver planning, and maneuver execution.  The transition date is
tentatively scheduled for 08/11/06.

RIONET - The transition to the RIONET on String 3 will tentatively occur
around mid-September.  

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Multi-Mission MOC - The FOT has begun supporting the effort to determine the
feasibility of transferring to a multi-mission MOC.

Automation - Development for the next ROBOTT automation release has begun on
String 3.

Extra Activities:

DOY 212 (07/31/06) - The FOT supported the first SPS Project Interface Test
(PIT) with DSS-27.


DOY 209 (07/28/06)  G06-0073 - AC3WS2 Dead
AC3WS2 died.  The power supply was replaced on DOY 209 but that did not
solve the problem.  On DOY 213 it was discovered that the cable between the
computer and monitor was loose.
IMPACT:  No impact to operations.

DOY 212 (07/31/06)  G06-0074 - ACETLANPC CD-RW Drive Malfunctioning
During the weekly history archive to the CD, the ACETLANPC CD Drive began to
make strange noises.  Hardware Maintenance looked at the drive, but didn't
have a replacement at this time.
IMPACT:  The CD was created successfully, and the drive is currently not
making the noise anymore.  FOT will continue to monitor.