ACE Weekly 08/11/06 - 08/17/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       Attitude
	Date        08/11/2006     08/17/2006
	DOY         223 2006       229 2006
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+     2R 4R- 4R+
	Duration    9:06 min       6:32 min
	Start       16:48:51z      16:01:36z
	Stop        16:57:57z      16:08:08z
	StartHGA     4.45 deg       3.52 deg           
	StopHGA      6.08 deg       6.20 deg            
	Firing      46 pulses      33 pulses
	FinalSCMass 1396.010lbs    1395.894lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Wednesday, 08/23/06.



Ongoing Activities:

Attitude Training - The FOT continues training on attitude determination,
maneuver planning, and maneuver execution.  The transition date is
tentatively scheduled for 08/18/06.

RIONET - The transition to the RIONET on String 3 will tentatively occur
around mid-September.  

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Multi-Mission MOC - The FOT has begun supporting the effort to determine the
feasibility of transferring to a multi-mission MOC.

Automation - Development for the next ROBOTT automation release in ongoing
on String 3.  A ROBOTT SPS release is expected no later than September 18.

Extra Activities:



DOY 223 (08/11/06)  S06-0010 - S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I RH Limit Violation
S3DPU_CONV_SEC_I had 1 brief red high limit violation (RH > 480 mV).
	2006-223 17:55:32 - 17:55:34  486.328 mV
Mark Popecki was notified.
IMPACT: Unknown at this time.

DOY 223 (08/11/06)  G06-0075 - ROBOTT - Color Allocation Error
The FOT ran g_auto_pages.prc on AC1WS3 prior to ROBOTT initiating C&C, which
caused the color allocation problem.     
IMPACT:  The FOT had to 'ok' a dialog box before C&C came up.  Everything
ran ok during the pass.  The FOT will now wait until after C&C is
initialized to run g_auto_pages.

DOY 229 (08/17/06)  G06-0076 - DSS66 - Late Uplink/No Ranging
DSS66 had a 14 minute delay in acquiring the uplink.  There were problems
with the SRA so no ranging was performed throughout the pass.  DR M103818 
IMPACT:  Delay in commanding.  No ranging.  All telemetry received and
commands verified by the spacecraft.