ACE Weekly 09/08/06 - 09/14/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude and
station keeping (#41) maneuvers are scheduled for Tuesday, 09/19/06.


GRD-167 - 09/08/06 - The hosts.allow file on the operational strings was
updated so the FD computer 'adam' can continue to deliver products to the

GRD-168 - 09/08/06 - The hosts.allow file on the operational strings was
updated to allow the FD computers 'crosby' and 'stills' to deliver products
to the MOC.

GRD-169 - 09/14/06 - Installation of the ACEDDS v1.0.1.  This release allows
the DSN schedule to be downloaded from the new SPS server.  The FOT is using
the XTEDDS as prime until the new release is verified.

Ongoing Activities:

Attitude Training - The OE's will begin training the remainder of the FOT on
attitude determination beginning September 11.

RIONET - The transition to the RIONET on String 3 will tentatively occur
around mid-September.  

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Multi-Mission MOC - The FOT has begun supporting the effort to determine the
feasibility of transferring to a multi-mission MOC.

Automation - Development for the next ROBOTT automation release in ongoing
on String 3 and the ACEDDS.  The ROBOTT SPS release was delivered September

Extra Activities:



DOY 251 (09/08/06)  S-ACE-0003 (G06-0083)  Degraded Data (DSS-66)
The FOT noticed intermittent VC2 sequence errors throughout the pass.  The
FOT reported the problem to JPL Comm and was informed that the primary T1
Link to Madrid was taking hits.  DR N103875.
IMPACT:  None.  All data was recoverable from the CDR.

DOY 252 (09/09/06)  S-ACE-0004 (G06-0084)  Excessive Network Hits (DSS-66)
Post pass analysis revealed excessive network hits throughout the pass.  DR
IMPACT:  None.  All data was recoverable from the CDR.

DOY 254 (09/11/06)  S-ACE-0005 (G06-0085)  Excessive Network Hits (DSS-66)
The FOT noticed alot of network hits throughout the pass.  The FOT informed
the DSN Ops Chief, who confirmed seeing the network hits but was unsure of
the cause.  DR N103879.
IMPACT:  This is a recurring problem with DSS-66.  All data was recoverable
from the CDR.  

DOY 255 (09/12/06)  G04-0125  Data Server Connection lost (appended)
After EOT, Command & Control lost connection to the Data Server.  This is an
intermittent error.  A DR (CDSID #00021091) was submitted on 11/1/04 to
document the problem.  
IMPACT:  All commanding and data recovery had already completed for support.
Cause of error message continues to be unknown.  

DOY 257 (09/14/06)  S-ACE-0006 (G06-0086)  10 Year Clock Calibration
A clock calibration is performed each day to match the spacecraft's Mission
Elapse Timer (MET) to UTC.  The slope/offset/epoch values are stored in a
binary file, Clock_Calibration_File.phaseII.  This file only has entries for
1/1/1997 through 12/31/2006.  There are 2 problems that need to be
addressed.  1. How to update the clock calibration file and generate the
slope/offset reports to be sent to ASC and NOAA after 2006.  2. How to get
TPOCC and TAPS to accept new clock calibration values after 2006.  TPOCC DR
ACE#1428 / CDSID 22309 has been submitted.
IMPACT:  Mission software must be patched to continue clock calibration.