ACE Weekly 10/06/06 - 10/12/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Thursday, 10/19/06.



Ongoing Activities:

Attitude Training - The OE's have begun training the remainder of the FOT on
attitude determination.

Clock Calibration - A new TPOCC release to address the clock calibration
issue is under development.  String 3 development testing is expected to
begin mid-October.  Three DR's will be delivered in this release.  
	DR 22309 - Extend the number of years in the Clock Calibration file.

	DR 22411 - Clock Calibration Numerical Error
	DR 22446 - Increase precision of offset in clock report.

RIONET - The transition to the RIONET on String 3 will occur after the next
ROBOTT delivery.  

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Automation - The ROBOTT SPS release test summary report has been finalized.
The next full ROBOTT release is not expected until after the TPOCC/Clock
Calibration release.

Extra Activities:

DOY 285 (10/10/06) - Failed over to the backup string for operations because
of a hardware failure on the front end.

DOY 286 (10/11/06) - Switched operations back to prime string after the


DOY 283 (10/10/06)  S-ACE-0013 (G06-0093) - AC1FE1A Died
15 minutes after the pass started, the FOT noticed that ROBOTT was rebooting
the operational software.  The FOT then noticed that the front end had died.
The SysAdmin's were called to troubleshoot.  The processor card needed to be
replaced on the front end.  
IMPACT:  Operations were switched to the backup system for two days.  ROBOTT
successfully failed over to the backup system when the prime front end died.
All commands were sent and all data was recovered.  As of Thursday,
operations were back on the prime string.

DOY 285 (10/12/06)  S-ACE-0014 (G06-0094) - TPOCC only started on AC1FE1A
TPOCC was only started on the front end.  The TPOCC displays did not come up
on the workstation or the 2 x-terminals.  After the pass the FOT logged out
of the string to kill all running processes, then logged back in.  This same
scenario happened once before in 2004.  DR 21115 was opened in 2004 to
address this problem.  
IMPACT:  Even though TPOCC was only up on the front end, all the automation
software ran nominally and supported the pass with no problems.  No impact
to telemetry and commanding.