ACE Weekly 10/20/06 - 10/27/06

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Thursday, 11/02/2006.



Ongoing Activities:

Attitude Training - FOT training for attitude determination continues.

Clock Calibration - Checkout of the TPOCC v5.3 engineering release on String
3 continues (compiled on 10/19/2006).  Problems with ADS and MOPSS were
found.  Progress has been made resolving the problems and the checkout
continues.  After the checkout is complete, the official delivery will be
prepared.  Three DRs will be fixed in this release.
	DR 22309 - Extend the number of years in the Clock Calibration file.
	DR 22411 - Clock Calibration Numerical Error
	DR 22446 - Increase precision of offset in clock report.

Automation - The next ROBOTT release is not expected until after the
TPOCC/Clock Calibration release.

RIONET - The transition to the RIONET on String 3 will occur until after the
next ROBOTT delivery.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  The delivery to the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Extra Activities:



DOY 294 (10/21/2006)  S-ACE-0016 (G06-0096) - ROBOTT/C&C Froze
ROBOTT froze after procedure S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE completed (EOT-5minutes).
RTMON restart not performed since 5 minutes before End of Track.
IMPACT:  This is a recurring issue that the ROBOTT developers are aware of.
Procedure G_ACEDOWN not executed, status reports not completed before TPOCC

DOY 296 (10/23/2006)  S-ACE-0017 (G06-0097) - Network loss/NTR Transition
GSFC NASCOM work to transition from NSAP to NTR resulted in data loss
(16:50-17:11z).  The network was returned to the original configuration and
the transition would be performed later.  NASCOM had completed a Network
Release Request warning of the potential impact, but network loss was
greater than expected.  DR#N103928.
IMPACT:  Minimal, all data available from CDR.

DOY 296 (10/23/2006)  S-ACE-0018 (G06-0098) - Unable to download CDR
NSAP default settings in the NASCOM network prevented downloading the CDR
file from DSN.  IPNoc was notified and the problem was corrected.
IMPACT:  Minimal, CDR was downloaded before the next pass.