ACE Weekly 11/03/2006 - 11/09/2006

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday, 11/17/2006.


DOY 311 (11/07/2006)  1400-2000z  GND-173
The annual contingency exercise requirement was performed to ensure that the
ground system can be restored from backup and able to successfully command
to the spacecraft.  The following drives were restored from backup and a
NO_OP command was sent.
	root              Unix OS
	Mission           Mission software
	Support_Tools     Mission software
	Flight_Ops        Mission configuration

DOY 313 (11/09/2006)  1930-2100z  GND-174
The official TPOCC r5.3 delivery was installed on String 3.  DR and
Regression testing will be performed before installation on Strings 1 and 2.
Operations will then transition to TPOCC r5.3

The Sepica team is reviewing power-cycling Sepica to induce a gas valve to
open.  An OCR is pending from the team.

Ongoing Activities:

Automation - The ROBOTT SPS release will need to be patched to provide the
SPS password in the SOAP request.  DSN recently upgraded to SPS V1.0.5b
which requires this password.  The ROBOTT patch will be required before DSN
transitions to SPS.  DSN has currently scheduled their DDR for 11/20/2006
and the elimination of the current NSS server for 11/27/2006.

RIONET - A goal to transition to the RIONET on String 3 has been targeted
for the end of November to beat the next shuttle freeze.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Extra Activities:

DOY 310 (11/06/2006) - SSR A Telemetry Sections downlinked.  No new Single
Bit Errors (correctable) found.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

DOY 311 (11/07/2006) - SSR B Telemetry Sections downlinked.  Single Bit
Error Count (SBE_CT_B) increased from 858 to 2118 since last checked on
09/21/2006 (Reference AR S06-0011).  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single
Bit Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

DOY 311 (11/07/2006) - String 3 security scan performed.

DOY 313 (11/09/2006) - There was no impact from the NTR Transition and
Interface Testing on JPL to STGT Closed IOnet (15:45-17:00z).

DSN's available time continues to be limited.  SSR playback is increasingly
not completed until subsequent supports.  While trying to catch up, no
redumps of data gaps is performed.  Data loss has been minor (<1%).


DOY 311 (11/07/2006)  S-ACE-0080 (S06-0011) - Increase in SBE_CT_B
SSR B Single Bit Error Count (SBE_CT_B) increased from 858 to 2118 since
last checked on 09/21/2006.  Single Bit Errors are automatically corrected
by the SSR.  There have only been 4 increases in SBE_CT_B from the monthly
check of SSR housekeeping data.  However, the number of errors has been
roughly doubling each year (based on the limited number of occurrences).
The following table gives a history of the Single Bit Error count for SSR A
and SSR B
IMPACT: Minimal.  Single Bit Errors are automatically corrected by the SSR
and occur very infrequently.

SBE_CT_A              SBE_CT_B
12/01/1999   15       09/06/2003   286
02/25/2003   30       09/22/2004   608
06/05/2003   270      11/15/2004   858
                      11/07/2006   2118

DOY 312 (11/08/2006)  S-ACE-0093 (G06-0103) - AC3FE1A Monitor
The AC3FE1A monitor failed.  Hardware maintance replaced the monitor.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The workstation display is on String 3.