ACE Weekly 11/24/2006 - 11/30/2006

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        11/27/2006
	DOY         331 2006
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+
	Duration    9:38 min
	Start       15:38:25z
	Stop        15:48:03z
	StartHGA    -6.71 deg
	StopHGA      3.40 deg
	Firing      49 pulses
	FinalSCMass 1394.360lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/05/2006.
Station-keeping maneuver #42 is scheduled for Wednesday, 12/13/2006.


DOY 332-334 (11/28/2006 - 11/30/2006)  GND-176
String 3 has transitioned from the Closed IONet to the Restricted IONet.
Testing is underway.  Once testing is complete and resources are available,
Strings 2 and 1 will be transitioned.

OCR GND-174 - Operations is expected to transition to TPOCC r5.3 on Tuesday
12/05/2006 (DOY 339).  Three DRs will be fixed in this release.
	DR 22309 - Extend the number of years in the Clock Calibration file.
	DR 22411 - Correct Clock Calibration Numerical Error
	DR 22446 - Increase offset decimal places in clock report from 2 to

OCR SEP-110 is tentatively scheduled to start on Wednesday 12/20/2006 (DOY
354) in conjunction with the attitude maneuver scheduled for Thursday
12/21/2006 (DOY 355).  Sepica will be power-cycled to induce a gas valve to


Automation - DSN has postponed the transition to SPS until January 2007
(originally set for 11/27/2006).  This will provide enough time for testing
and a smooth transition for operations.

RIONET - String 3 has been transitioned and testing is underway.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Six Sigma support for TO#11 and the Multi-Mission MOC is ongoing with
day-long activities on 12/07/2006 (DOY 341) and 12/14/2006 (DOY 348).


DOY 331 (11/27/2006)  S-ACE-0115 (G06-0106) - AC3FE1 System Clock Incorrect
FOT was unable to log into AC3FE1.  Sys Admin found that the system clock
was set to January 18, 2008.  Sys Admin corrected the system clock and the
FOT was able to log.
IMPACT:  Minimal

DOY 332 (11/28/2006)  S-ACE-0116 (G06-0107) - D46 Unable to Support Ranging
DSS-46 ranging system was declared RED prior to the support.  The ranging
support was cancelled.
IMPACT:  Orbit Determination uses these additional ranging supports.  There
will still be 3 ranging supports with DSS-46 between the maneuver on DOY 331
and the maneuver on DOY 339.

DOY 333 (11/29/2006)  S-ACE-0117 (G06-0108) - D66 Incorrect CMD Mod Index
At BOT, DSS-66 was using the incorrect CMD Mod Index (Carrier
Suppression=0.45dB, correct value=1.69dB) and the spacecraft was not able to
receive the commands.  Initial commanding was delayed 14 minutes.  DSS-66
re-entered the CMD Mod Index so that Carrier Suppression was increased to
14.4dB.  Spacecraft receiver was able receive the commands even though the
uplink signal was overmodulated.  After initial commanding activities were
completed (1400z), FOT requested DSS-66 set the CMD Mod Index to the correct
value (0.86rad/1.69dB)
IMPACT:  Activities delayed 14 minutes.