ACE Weekly 12/01/2006 - 12/09/2006

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        12/05/2006
	DOY         339 2006
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+
	Duration    9:13 min
	Start       17:14:38z
	Stop        17:23:51z
	StartHGA    -4.28deg
	StopHGA     +5.56deg
	Firing      47 pulses
	FinalSCMass 1394.200lbs

The next attitude maneuver and station-keeping maneuver #42 are scheduled
for Wednesday, 12/13/2006.


OCR GND-174 - Operations transitioned to TPOCC r5.3 on Tuesday 12/05/2006
(DOY 339).  Three DRs fixed in this release.
	DR 22309 - Extend the number of years in the Clock Calibration file.
	DR 22411 - Correct Clock Calibration Numerical Error
	DR 22446 - Increase offset decimal places in clock report from 2 to

OCR SEP-110 is tentatively scheduled to start on Wednesday 12/20/2006 (DOY
354) in conjunction with the attitude maneuver scheduled for Thursday
12/21/2006 (DOY 355).  Sepica will be power-cycled to try to induce a gas
valve to open.


There was an X-class solar flare on DOY 339 1035z.  The following automatic
safeguarding has occurred on the spacecraft.  If the instrument teams would
like to have any other parameters monitored, please notify the FOT.
	341-11:36:01 ULEIS shutter from 100% open to 25% open
	341-14:00:28 CRIS power drop-typical when Image Intensifier turns
	341-14:33:05 ULEIS shutter to 6% open
	341-15:00:49 ULEIS shutter to 1% open

DOY 338 (12/04/2006) - SSR A Telemetry Sections downlinked.  No new Single
Bit Errors (correctable) found.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

DOY 341 (12/07/2006) - SSR B Telemetry Sections downlinked.  No new Single
Bit Errors (correctable) found.  No non-correctable errors (Hard Single Bit
Errors & Double Bit Errors) have occurred throughout the mission.

RIONET - String 3 has been transitioned to the RIONet.  Network
reconfigurations are ongoing, including configuring the new MUG fanout for
TLM and CMD.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

Six Sigma support for TO#11 and the Multi-Mission MOC is ongoing with
day-long activities on 12/14/2006 (DOY 348).


DOY 336 (12/02/2006) S-ACE-0118 (G06-0109) - AC1WS2 failed
The power supply on ac1ws2 failed on Saturday.  Sys Admins and Hardware
Maintenance replaced the power supply on Monday.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  String 1 was not being used for operations while testing
the TPOCC install that had occurred on 11/30/2006.

DOY 338 (12/04/2006) S-ACE-0119 (G06-0110) - ACETLANPC sluggish
ACETLANPC performance had slowed while archiving data.  The PC was rebooted
and the archive was successful.  A similar problem had occurred 10/15/2006
IMPACT:  Minimal.  No 0158 monitor saved during DOY 338 support.

DOY 338 (12/04/2006) S-ACE-0120 (G06-0111) - D27 Antenna Stopped
TLM offline at 1745z due to antenna brake.  Station resumed telemetry at
1754z.  Uplink was not re-established since no commanding required and EOT
at 18:05z
IMPACT:  Minimal.  SSR playback and spacecraft activities had already been

DOY 339 (12/05/2006) S-ACE-0121 (G06-0112) - D27 Antenna unable to point
DSS-27 was unable to move antenna to point at BOT at 1435z.  Personnel were
sent to the antenna.  TLM online at 1545z.  Fortunately, DSS-27 was not
scheduled for another support and the ACE support was extended 70 minutes.
IMPACT:  Activities and attitude maneuver delayed 70 minutes.