ACE Weekly 12/08/2006 - 12/14/2006

A latchup of the S3DPU occurred on Day 347 (12/13/2006) at 10:08:40z (Ref
AR#S06-0013).  SWICS/SWIMS recovery procedures were executed on Thursday
12/14/2006.  S3DPU patch reload still needs to be scheduled.  All other ACE
spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       SK-42
	Date        12/13/2006     12/13/2006
	DOY         347 2006       347 2006
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+     3A 4A
	Duration    7:50 min       23.952 sec
	Start       17:11:47z      18:49:01z
	Stop        17:19:37z      18:49:25z
	StartHGA    -2.49 deg      5.68 deg
	StopHGA      5.68 deg      5.68 deg
	Firing      40 pulses      Continuous
	FinalSCMass 1394.062lbs    1393.974lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday, 12/21/2006.


DOY 348 (12/14/2006)  1902-1913z  SWX/SWM-033 Part A
SWICS/SWIMS volatile parameters restored after S3DPU latchup on DOY 347
(12/13/2006) at 10:08:40z.  Part B of the OCR is for reloading S3DPU
patches.  We are waiting for Mark Popecki to schedule reloading the S3DPU

OCR CRIS-011 is scheduled for Friday DOY 349 (12/15/2006) to turn back on
the Image Intensifier.

OCR SEP-110 is tentatively scheduled to start on Wednesday 12/20/2006 (DOY
354) in conjunction with the attitude maneuver scheduled for Thursday
12/21/2006 (DOY 355).  Sepica will be power-cycled to try to induce a gas
valve to open.  This may be need to be rescheduled to accommodate reloading
the S3DPU patches.


RIONET - JPL's SFG is successfully flowing telemetry to String 3 on the
RIONet.  Testing and configuration continues.  String 2 is tentatively
scheduled to be switched to RIONet in January 2007.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

With DSN's limited available time and the number of station anomalies, it
was difficult this week to capture all SSR data.  Extra effort was put
forward due to the value of the recent solar flare data.  Aside from the 31
second SSR failover on DOY 345, all data was captured.

The X-class solar flares on DOY 339 1035z and DOY 347 0240z resulted in the
following automatic ULEIS shutter motion over the past week.
	341-14:45:53	from   6% open to   1% open
	344-03:25:20	from   1% open to   6% open
	344-10:34:08	from   6% open to  25% open
	345-05:54:40	from  25% open to 100% open
	347-03:59:28	from 100% open to  25% open
	347-04:14:24	from  25% open to   6% open
	347-04:31:28	from   6% open to   1% open


DOY 343 (12/09/2006) S-ACE-0122 (G06-0113) - D27 No Ranging
DSS-27 was unable to provide ranging for the entire support.  DR# G107261
IMPACT:  Minimal.  There were 3 other Goldstone ranging supports between the
maneuvers on DOY 339 and DOY 347.

DOY 343 (12/09/2006) S-ACE-0123 (G06-0114) - D27 Recurring Antenna Stop
Throughout the pass, the antenna stopped tracking due to an emergency stop
(DR# G107262).  Three brief telemetry outages occurred at 1552z, 1614z and
1715z.  The uplink was also lost at 1552z.  The FOT requested a resweep to
ensure lock on the spacecraft's Receiver B (DR# G107263).  Transponder B is
not transmitting so Receiver B may be out of lock even with good 2-way.
IMPACT:  10 minutes cumulative telemetry loss.  Plbk data was automatically

DOY 344 (12/10/2006) S-ACE-0126 (G06-0117) - D27 Red, No Pass
Power failure at DSS-27 throughout support.
IMPACT:  SSR Failover on DOY 345 (12/11/2006).  31 second gap during SSR
Failover (09:41:58 - 09:42:28z).  No clock calibration reports for DOY 344
or DOY 345.  No attitude report for DOY 344.

DOY 345 (12/11/2006) S-ACE-0124 (G06-0115) - D27 Late AOS/No Uplink
Telemetry delayed 45 minutes due a CW software prelimit when commanded to
point.  Technicians needed to be dispatched to manually move the antenna out
of limits (DR# G107288).  After telemetry was available, station informed
FOT that uplink was not available due to the power failure the previous day
(DR# G107289).  DSS-27 was released at 1600z and time was acquired on DSS-45
thanks to GEOTAIL.
IMPACT:  Unable to downlink all data from full SSR.  SSR data was finally
caught up after DOY 347.

DOY 345 (12/11/2006) S-ACE-0125 (G06-0116) - ROBOTT/C&C Froze
ROBOTT froze after procedure S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE completed (EOT-5minutes).
RTMON restart not performed since 5 minutes before End of Track.
IMPACT:  This is a recurring issue that the ROBOTT developers are aware of.
Procedure G_ACEDOWN not performed.

DOY 347 (12/13/2006) S-ACE-0128 (G06-0118) - ACETLANPC failure
ACETLANPC voltage regulator failure.  Hardware maintenance notified.
IMPACT:  This PC receives DSN's monitor data and provides duplicate
archiving of critical data.

DOY 347 (12/13/2006) S-ACE-0127 (S06-0013) - S3DPU Latchup
S3DPU Latchup occurred at 10:08:40z.  SSDLUCNT incremented from 2 to 3.
Previous occurrences
	DOY 137 2002 11:20:51z  SSDLUCNT = 1
	DOY 137 2005 19:51:57z  SSDLUCNT = 2
SWICS and SWIMS recovery (OCR SWX/SWM-033) completed DOY 348 (33 hours after
latchup).  We are waiting for Mark Popecki to schedule reloading the S3DPU
IMPACT:  Patches and Rate tables need to be reloaded.