ACE Weekly 12/29/2006 - 01/04/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        01/04/2007
	DOY         004 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+
	Duration    8:14 min
	Start       15:38:06z
	Stop        15:46:20z
	StartHGA    -2.76 deg
	StopHGA     +5.80 deg
	Firing      42 pulses
	FinalSCMass 1393.542lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday, 01/12/2007.


DOY 003 (01/03/2007)  2005-2054z  SEP-110 Step 1
SEPICA powered down.  This is an attempt to induce one of the gas valves to
open by fluctuating the instrument temperature.

DOY 004 (01/04/2007)  1649-1758z  SEP-110 Steps 2-6
SEPICA powered up and internal stimulation started.  Continuing to induce
one of the gas valves to open by fluctuating the instrument temperature.

2 final voltage ramp-up commands will be completed on Friday DOY 005
(01/05/2007).  Step 7 of OCR SEP-110 to turn off internal stimulation will
be completed next week.

SIS-039 will be scheduled in the upcoming week to disable four matrix
detector strips that became noisy during the recent solar event.  This is to
prevent data contamination due to excessive triggering.


RIONET - Testing and configuration of String 3 continues.
* Commanding has not been retested since the initial test on Thursday
12/28/2006 (DOY 362) when commands from String 3/RIONet were not reaching
JPL's Special Function Gateway (SFG).
* FDF is reworking their process so that ACE ephemeris files are available
to the RIONet.
* DSN CDR delivery to String 3 has not yet been configured for the RIONet IP
* Completion of testing and configuration of String 3 is ongoing.
* Tentative start date for converting String 2 to the Restricted IONet is
January 2007.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.


DOY 365 (12/31/2006) S-ACE-0138 (G06-0126) - Postpass activities not
On the last day of the year, ROBOTT does not execute postpass activities.
This is a known issue (CDSID#00021127)
IMPACT:  Postpass reports were manually generated.  The failure to archive
block history files lead to Anomalies #G07-0001 and Anomaly #G07-0002.

DOY 001 (01/01/2007) S-ACE-0139 (G07-0001) - Incorrect dumplist
The FOT tool to create the daily dumplist did not process block history
files in the correct order.  AB365 files were processed after AB001 files.
MOCR 1231 has been updated to fix this tool.
IMPACT:  The dumplist was not correct.  The dumplist was manually recreated
on DOY 002.  Data gaps from DOY 001, however, were due to the network and
all data was available on the CDR.

DOY 001 (01/01/2007) S-ACE-0140 (G07-0002) - 2 Instances of RTMON and C&C
ROBOTT/C&C froze due to a known issue (5 minutes pause/CDSID#00021192).
Unfortunately, there were 2 instances of ROBOTT's Real-Time Monitor from
testing that the FOT had been performing in the first week of December.
Both instances of RTMON started their own instance of C&C.  Both instances
of C&C started executing their own procedures.  Only one C&C had the correct
privileges, but the errors generated by the one C&C was causing the other
C&C to prematurely continue through WAIT statements.  This caused directives
and spacecraft commands to be executed incorrectly.  On DOY 002, ROBOTT
developers were notified and they discovered the problem and the 2nd RTMON
was terminated.
IMPACT:  This type of problem can have unpredictable results that can lead
to data loss, incorrect loads and timers not reset.  For this anomaly, a
timer reset command that was supposed to be sent to C&DH B was sent to C&DH
A.  The C&DH B timer (a 4 day timer) was reset on the following day.