ACE Weekly 01/05/2007 - 01/11/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No attitude maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver
is scheduled for Friday, 01/12/2007.


DOY 005 (01/05/2007)  1520-1523z  SEP-110 Step 5
2 final voltage ramp-up commands were completed from the SEPICA power cycle
started on DOY 003 2007.

DOY 008 (01/08/2007)  1621-1632z  SIS-039
Four matrix detector strips became noisy during the recent solar event and
need to be disabled to prevent data contamination due to excessive
triggering.  Disable M1A HV strips # 0, 38, 40 & 63 and raise their

Step 7 of OCR SEP-110 to turn off internal stimulation still needs to be

SIS-040 is scheduled for DOY 012 to disable M1B GND strip # 32 and raise its
threshold.  This matrix detector strip has a saturated leakage current that
causes oscillations in SIS RTSW data.


RIONET - Testing and configuration of String 3 continues.
* Commanding from RIONet was tested on DOY 010 (01/10/2007).  The previous
test had failed because the destination IP address for the JMUG (from the
GMUG) was incorrect.  The GSFC C/D manager corrected the destination IP
address and the CMD test was successful.
* FDF is now providing ACE ephemeris files on the FDF product server so that
they are available to the RIONet.
* DSN has updated their destination address for CDR delivery to String 3,
but problems are still occurrring.  DSN is troubleshooting the problem as
time is available.
* Working with ROBOTT developers, a couple of issues have been uncovered
with ROBOTT on RIONet.  These include paging, RTMon status, schedule
downloads and delog transfers.  These will require patches to ROBOTT.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.


DOY 005 (01/05/2007) S-ACE-0141 (G07-0003) - Procedure killed prematurely
The procedure S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE started immediately after
ULEIS_MOTOR_ERROR completed.  However, results checking for
ULEIS_MOTOR_ERROR hadn't completed before ROBOTT started the next procedure.
ROBOTT erroneously killed the procedure S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE when the results
checking for ULEIS_MOTOR_ERROR timed out.  This is a known issue (CDSID#
21122) which last occurred on 11/06/2005 (AR#G05-0138).
IMPACT: Minimal.  Data gaps were due to the network and all data was
available on CDR.

DOY 005 (01/05/2007) S-ACE-0142 (G07-0004) - High winds at DSS-27
Winds at 45 MPH with gusts to 49 MPH in excess of 10 seconds forcing DSS-27
to halt the antenna.  (DR# G107374)
IMPACT: Minimal.  Pass terminated with only 10 minutes left in the pass.
All pass activities had already been completed.

DOY 007 (01/07/2007) S-ACE-0143 (G07-0005) - ROBOTT stopped taking passes
ROBOTT did not support the pass on Sunday DOY 007 or Monday DOY 008.  ROBOTT
normally schedules cron for the next 2 days.  For DOY 005 and DOY 006,
however, ROBOTT does not schedule cron for DOY 007 (CDSID#22925).  This has
not been a problem in the past since ROBOTT creates another cron file on DOY
007 at 0001z.  But due to the late pass on DOY 006, the cron schedule was
not updated.  An SSR failover occurred on DOY 008.  Fortunately, DSS-27 was
available on DOY 008 and a 5 hour pass was scheduled to capture all of the
IMPACT: ROBOTT would not have taken any more passes until the FOT had
restarted cron.  No clock calibration report for DOY 007 and DOY 008.  No
attitude report for DOY 007.  A 32 second data gap during SSR failover (008

DOY 007 (01/07/2007) S-ACE-0144 (G07-0006) - No additional TPOCC displays
ROBOTT did not start additional TPOCC displays on the other workstations.
TPOCC was only started on the front end.  This last occurred on 10/12/2006
(AR#G06-0094).  ROBOTT developers are investigating the issue.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  It is preferrable to perform commanding from a second
workstation in case activities cause that TPOCC display to crash.

DOY 009 (01/09/2007) S-ACE-0145 (G07-0007) - Duplicate Solutions in AOSR
Normally, the Attitude Determination Software (ADS) generates 2 attitude
solutions to be delivered to the ACE Science Center and NOAA.  For DOY 009
2007, ADS used the same solution in both fields.
IMPACT:  ACE Science Center software ignores the second solution in this

DOY 010 (01/10/2007) S-ACE-0146 (G07-0008) - TAPS1 Data Capture Daemon
The ac1taps1 data capture daemon had terminated before the pass on DOY 010
(01/10/2007 1930z).  This happens when network disruptions occur, but no
notice of disruptions had been given.  The backup TAPS (ac2taps2) data
capture daemon was working with no problem.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  The data capture daemon was restarted and data files were
copied from the backup TAPS.