ACE Weekly 03/02/2007 - 03/08/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        03/05/2007
	DOY         064 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+
	Duration    9:54 min
	Start       15:20:07z
	Stop        15:30:01z
	StartHGA    -4.96 deg
	StopHGA     +6.30 deg
	Firing      50 pulses
	FinalSCMass 1392.205lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday, 03/16/2007.
Station-keeping maneuver #43 is scheduled for Thursday, 03/29/2007.


DOY 067 (03/08/2007)  SC_07_001
The High Gain Antenna (HGA) constraint has been increased from 6.5 degrees
to 8.0 degrees.  Analysis of historical data and HGA performance indicates
that Signal to Noise Ratio will drop from 9dB to 6dB for high-rate data on
DSS-27 and 26m antennas.  This will still provide sufficient link margin.
The number of attitude maneuvers will be reduced from ~40 to ~33 by
extending the minimum time between maneuvers from 9 to 10 days.  Nine days
was insufficient to extend maneuver dates beyond 1 week + 1 weekend.
Less frequent attitude maneuvers will have corresponding longer burns.  The
HGA constraint was last increased from 4.5 degrees to 6.5 degrees in 2002.


* Testing and configuration of String 3 continues.
* Additional firewall rules have been found that will need to be updated.
* String 2 conversion is targeted for April 18, 2007.

* Testing of the recent patch (v1.0.3) is nearing completion.  This patch
will allow ROBOTT to work with the RIONet (CDSID#22954 and #23091).

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.


DOY 061  03/02/2007  S-ACE-0156  G07-0017  ROBOTT/C&C Froze
ROBOTT froze after procedure S_OPS_PLBK_COMPLETE completed (EOT-5minutes).
RTMON restart not performed since 5 minutes before End of Track.
IMPACT:  This is a recurring issue that the ROBOTT developers are aware of.
Procedure G_ACEDOWN not performed.