ACE Weekly 03/30/2007 - 04/05/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude       SK-43
	Date        04/02/2007     04/02/2007
	DOY         092 2007       092 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R- 4R+     1A 2A
	Duration    11:08 min      13.446 sec
	Start       14:34:37z      16:10:18z
	Stop        14:45:45z      16:10:32z
	StartHGA    -5.57          +5.60
	StopHGA     +5.60          +5.05
	Firing      57 pulses      Continuous
	FinalSCMass 1391.884lbs    1391.834lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Thursday, 04/19/2007.




* The operational test of RIONet on 04/04/2007 (DOY 094) was successful.
The RIONet was used for the entire ACE support with DSS-66.  The RIONet has
had slightly more network loss compared to the Closed IONet.  For the
operational test, this included a 2 minute 46 second outage on the RIONet at
1450z.  The network loss, however, is not a significant problem.
* NOAA firewall rules have been updated for product delivery from the ACE
* String 2 conversion is targeted for April 18, 2007.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

An evaluation is ongoing to replace the TPOCC mission software and
incorporate ACE operations into a multi-mission ops center.  A decision
between L3 INCNG and ITOS mission software is expected by the end of April.


DOY 092  04/02/2007  S-ACE-0162  S07-0002  SWEPAM-E Current Spike
SWEPAM-E current usage jumped above 0.113 Amps twice.  During this time,
SWPE_I did not ramp up as it usually does during its 128 second cycle.  Jim
Griffee was notified.  Note that the station keeping maneuver had been
completed at 1610z although the station keeping maneuver was short.  No
further current spikes have occurred for the rest of the week.

	Time    	SWPE_I
	17:26:23	0.091728
	17:26:24	0.091728
	17:26:25	0.118384	>0.113A
	17:26:26	0.096432
	17:26:27	0.096432

	17:27:27	0.092512
	17:27:28	0.092512
	17:27:29	0.120736	>0.113A
	17:27:30	0.099568
	17:27:31	0.099568

IMPACT: The on-board autonomy bin will shut off SWEPAM-E if SWPE_I has 90
consecutive occurrences above 0.113Amps.  One occurrence, however, will not
trigger the bin.

DOY 092  04/02/2007  S-ACE-0163  S07-0003  Station Keeping #43 Nutation
The nutation following SK-43 was around 1.25 degrees (full angle).  This
amount of nutation has occurred before, but maneuvers typically result in a
full angle nutation of less than 0.5 degrees.  The team is investigating
this and previous maneuvers for trends.
IMPACT: Nutation dampening took an additional 5 hours before the nutation
was again less than 0.5 degrees.

DOY 094  04/04/2007  S-ACE-0164  G07-0023  DSS-66 Late Acquisition
Problems with the ground station's MPA (Metric and Pointing Assembly) were
resolved by the station's maintenance personnel.  Telemetry was online at
1439z.  DR#M104171
IMPACT: Activities delayed 34 minutes.