ACE Weekly 05/04/2007 - 05/10/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


	Type        Attitude
	Date        05/10/2007
	DOY         130 2007
	Thrusters   2R 4R+ 4R-
	Duration    13:21 min
	Start       15:04:25z
	Stop        15:17:46z
	StartHGA    -7.49 deg
	StopHGA      7.20 deg
	Firing      68 pulses
	FuelUsed     0.2232lbs
	FuelRemain  157.1216lbs
	FinalSCMass 1391.382lbs

The next attitude maneuver is scheduled for Friday, 05/25/2007.


DOY 129 (05/09/2007)  GND-181  MOC Firewall Request
HTTP and HTTPS requests have been allowed to the FD Product Server and the
ASC HDF server.

DOY 130 (05/10/2007)  GND-180  OpenSSL & Crypt-SSLeay for FD Products
Installation has been completed on ac2pc1.  This software is necessary for
simplifying the download of ACE products from the Flight Dynamics Product


Due to a hydraulics replacement on DSS-46 and other DSN maintenance
activities, ACE will not have any southern hemisphere ranging from Sunday
(05/13) to Saturday (05/19).  ACE will have southern hemisphere ranging
following the attitude maneuver on 05/10 (5/10 & 5/12) and before the next
attitude maneuver on Friday 5/25 (5/20, 5/22 & 5/23).

RIONET - String 2 conversion to Restricted IONet is ongoing.  Issues are
being resolved including being unable to connect to the RIONet GMUG for
telemetry and establishing connections between strings and printers.
Operations are being performed on String 1 (Closed IONet).  String 3
(Restricted IONet) is being used as backup.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

DSN SPS viewperiod generation continues to be an issue.  Problems include
1) ACE viewperiod files are being generated to start 5 weeks in the future.
2) ACE viewperiods are not using the latest ephemeris.
3) ACE schedule is missing pass numbers.
The DSN/FDF telecon to discuss changes in ephemeris products has not yet
been rescheduled.

An evaluation is ongoing to replace the TPOCC mission software and
incorporate ACE operations into a multi-mission ops center.  A decision
between L3 INCNG and ITOS mission software is expected soon.


DOY 128  05/08/2007  S-ACE-0175  G07-0034  DSS-24 Network Server Failure
DSS-24 ERNS (Enhanced Reliable Network Server) failed at 1739z.  Telemetry
re-established at 1751z.  Commanding re-established at 1820z.
IMPACT:  12 minute data gap was not available from DSN CDR, data was
redumped from spacecraft.  No commanding was required during 41 minute
commanding outage.

DOY 128  05/08/2007  S-ACE-0176  G07-0035  Backup Front End Network
String 3 Front End (ac3fe1a) network cable was partially disconnected during
String 2 RIONet conversion.  After troubleshooting, the system
administrators isolated the problem and reestablished the connection.
IMPACT:  String 3 is the backup string while String 2 is being converted to
the Restricted IONet.

DOY 129  05/09/2007  S-ACE-0177  G07-0036  Operations Printer Connection
String 1 print spool was configured to use String 2 for the operational
printer.  After String 2 was converted to the Restricted IONet, the
operational string was no longer able to generate printouts.  On DOY 130,
the print spool was reconfigured to use String 1.
IMPACT:  Documents were transferred to String 3 to generate the attitude
maneuver readiness review on 5/10.

DOY 129  05/09/2007  S-ACE-0178  G07-0037  Trending Printer Connection
The TAPS trending software (String 1) is unable to connect to the printer.
After much troubleshooting and disconnecting the power cable, the printer is
now functioning.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Weekly trending report delayed a few days.

DOY 129  05/09/2007  S-ACE-0179  G07-0038  TAPS Unable to Receive Data
The TAPS trending software (String 1) did not receive data for DOY 129.
After the pass, the DataCapture daemon was restarted.  CDR ingest performed
to capture the lost data.
IMPACT:  Minimal.  Trending review delayed by 1 day.