ACE Weekly 05/11/2007 - 05/17/2007

All ACE spacecraft subsystems are performing nominally.


No maneuvers were completed this week.  The next attitude maneuver is
scheduled for Friday, 05/25/2007.




A decision has been made to replace the TPOCC mission software with ITOS
(Integrated Test and Operations System).  This transition is expected to
integrate ACE operations into a multi-mission ops center (MMOC).  The MMOC
operations concept is expected by the end of May, a transition plan by the
end of July and a design review is tentatively scheduled for August.

RIONET - String 2 TLM/CMD test with the GMUG was successful on Wednesday
05/16/2007.  Further testing continues.

ROBOTT - Installation of ROBOTT v1.0.3 on String 2 is scheduled for Tuesday
05/22/2007.  This version allows the automation software to work on the
Restricted IONet.

Space Link Extension (SLE) - ACE SLE version 2.1 was delivered to the
Library on April 28, 2006.  Installation in the ACE MOC will not occur until
after the MOC is converted to the RIONET.

DSN SPS viewperiod generation continues to be an issue.  Problems include
1) ACE viewperiods are being generated to start 5 weeks in the future.
2) ACE viewperiods are not using the latest ephemeris.
3) ACE schedules are occasionally missing pass numbers.
The DSN/FDF telecon to discuss changes in ephemeris products has not yet
been rescheduled.


DOY 134  05/14/2007  S-ACE-0180  G07-0038  TPOCC/OS Bitbucket Error
The HPUX operating system occasionally returns a bitbucket error when the
TPOCC software executes a unix program.  The ROBOTT automation software is
designed to continue through the error.  Usually this is not a problem, but
on this occasion the procedure continued before the SSR redumps had been
IMPACT:  Minimal.  SSR redumps were performed at the beginning of the next
pass and all data was available on CDR.